June 21st marks the beginning of Summer! Be sure to beat the heat and stay cool like Roger Retinz, the Ratings Raja.
TAKE THAT! Ace Attorney Trilogy, Dual Destinies, and Spirit of Justice are on sale in the Nintendo 3DS eShop! bit.ly/PWAASale
Get into the swing of things with "Turnabout Sisters - Seaside Swing," one of two brand new tracks included in the Turnabout Tunes bundle!
Plus, join Producer Shinsuke Kodama and Learn more about how this unique track was made in our latest blog:
🎼 bit.ly/TurnaboutTunes
A picture's worth a thousand words, but we only need a few for the #AATWriteAnything contest.
Share your favorite quote from the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney games, and you could win a photo frame from the 2019 concert series in Japan! More details:
👉 bit.ly/2sNtdpZ
"When something smells, it's usually the Butz."
Larry Butz, Phoenix's childhood time friend and very first client, can't seem to keep himself out of trouble... or keep his mouth shut.
You'll have your hands full defending him in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy!
April May seems like she's all flowers and sunshine, but don't let your guard down! She just might rain on your day in court.
🗯👉 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy comes to PS4, XB1, Switch, and Steam on April 9!
Time for a man who needs no introduction – isn’t that right, Phoenix Wright? Learn more about the rookie turned ace attorney himself with our first Ace Attorney File!
👉 bit.ly/AATBlogPhoenix
Do you ever, just, like... need to slow things down? Ini Miney might... um, leave you at a loss for words... if she can, like, remember them to begin with.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy comes to PS4, XB1, Switch, and Steam on April 9!
TAKE THAT! Pre-order Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy for PS4 on PlayStation Network, and instantly add a shiny new theme featuring pixel-style friends and foes from all three games to your court record!
👉 bit.ly/AATPSN
When the Steel Samurai is accused of murder, it's up to Phoenix to represent the actor behind the mask - Will Powers - in court!
Can the actor's soft-spoken nature triumph over his intimidating appearance?
Find out with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, out April 9!
TAKE THAT! More Spirit of Justice info, fresh from our panel at Anime Expo! bit.ly/29dfBe7
An ace attorney must always be calm, cool, composed... and ready to dumpster dive at a moment's notice.
Join #TheGreatAceAttorney Book Club! Every week, we'll open up a new discussion about each case across both games, starting with the first case of "Adventures" on August 3.
Open to greenhorns, veterans, and attorneys of all types! See you there!
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney for Nintendo 3DS includes both English and Japanese versions of the game. IGIARI!
A little Trucy to brighten up your #FanArtFriday by heartgrooooove! bit.ly/2s9U22q
Snackoos, noodles, katsudon, and context - learn about the trials of localization in our latest Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney dev blog. Achtung, baby! bit.ly/AJAADevBlog2
“Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself… that is coffee.”
The mysterious prosecutor Godot is the latest subject of our Ace Attorney Files: bit.ly/AATGodot
[Americas Only] Take the stand with the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy “Wright Anything” Competition for your chance to win some truly mystical prizes! Isn’t that right, Wright?
More info on how to enter and what you can win:
👉 bit.ly/AATWrightAnyth…
Admit it. You're hearing the music in your head right now. Art by inopinopi: bit.ly/2oimtKb
Need a lawyer?
Get the Wright attorney for the job with a statue based off of Phoenix's appearance in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies!
👉 ow.ly/mpEX50pTVZ8
The second #TheGreatAceAttorney Chronicles case preview examines The Case of the Stricken Steamship! A locked room mystery on the high seas calls for the extraordinary skills of a brilliant ace detective. 🔎
👉 bit.ly/TGAA1Cases
Zvarri! Appearing before you is Luke Atmey, self-proclaimed Ace Detective! 🔎
Learn more about Luke and his skills of deduction when Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy comes to PS4, XB1, Switch, and Steam on April 9!