BAHIHUB •ᴗ•✩(@bahiyyihub)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

[TEAM BAHIHUB] 220627 We've made another E-Mail Template to send to WakeOne. Please change the subject line and the wording a little to avoid being marked as spam. 🔗…
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 230108 Youngeun mentioned Hiyyih on PM! She said the two of them went out for dinner and the people on the next table recognized Hiyyih and kept telling eachother to ask whether she was Huening Bahiyyih 😭 Hiyyih was worried she was sticking out too much 😭😭
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220506 Jinsoul from #LOONA mentioned Hiyyih recently! > ah and the person who approached me first > hiyyih came to me first,,, 🥴 > even voted for me in visuals 🌝 > 04,,, babies,,,,, #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 image credit ; @.heedinidi
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220323 Lee Mujin Service is asking for recommendations for an idol to guest on the show ! Let's recommend Hiyyih ! 🔗 :… #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #KEP1ER_HUENINGBAHIYYIH #케플러_휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #KEP1ER #케플러 @official_kep1er
.@wakeone_offcl we have reached out to you many times, but you have continuously refused to address the issue. stop ignoring us and take appropriate action about the bullying and harassment of Huening Bahiyyih from Kepler IMMEDIATELY. #WakeoneProtectBahiyyih #BahiyyihDeservesLove
[TEAM BAHIHUB] 220725 (#GiftsForHiyyih) Hiyyihlights, we have received photos of the gifts which have been wrapped and are ready to be hand delivered tomorrow 🌼 Thank you to all Hiyyihlights who helped us make this project a reality! 💛 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에
she doesn't deserve this :(( #WeLoveYouBahiyyih #OurShiningStarBahiyyih
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220918 Hiyyihlights! A popular youtube account (Mera) has uploaded Hiyyih's "Up!" fancam from today's Youth Festival performance. Please check it out here! 🔗:
[TRANS] 220524 hihiz vlive 💛: bahiyyih marry me 🦁: okay 👌 🐶: ... 🐶: you promised that you would marry me tho.. 🥺🥺 🦁: lol i'm sorry 🦁: it's my fault 😖 🐶: that's right- 🦁: marry me 🙂🙂 🦁🐶: 🤣 🐶: that was natural #HUENING_BAHIYYIH
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 221212 she's absolutely stunning AAA JAPAN WITH BAHIYYIH #HiyyihAtAAA #AAA에_히에 #휴닝바히에 #ヒュニンバヒエ
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 230420 Hiyyih at the Boys Planet Final today. #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #케플러_휴닝바히에 #ヒュニンバヒエ photo credit : @.hhho012
[TEAM BHHB] 220719 Bus Ad Project hiyyihlights! we were informed that the ads have been installed on our bus, and it will start running from today ! the pictures of the bus are below ! #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #KEP1ER #케플러 @official_kep1er
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220620 Goals for Hiyyih's "Up!" fancam (@ comeback show) are here! We are aiming for 650K - 700K views and 25K - 30K likes in 24 hours. Get ready to stream Hiyyihlights! #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #KEP1ER_HUENINGBAHIYYIH #케플러_휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #케플러
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220205 K-Moas (fans of Tomorrow x Together) saw Hiyyih at the venue for TXT's FanLive !! #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #KEP1ER_HUENINGBAHIYYIH #케플러_휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #KEP1ER @official_kep1er
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220506 Jinsoul from Loona also said that they exchanged numbers! Op asked if anyone had exchanged numbers to which Jinsoul replied "Hiyyih"! #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #KEP1ER_HUENINGBAHIYYIH #케플러_휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #케플러 image credit ; @.kimlernon
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 230205 TXT's Kang Taehyun mentioned Hiyyih in his Weverse Live! "Oh of course I got a message from Hiyyih, wishing me a happy birthday, Shout out to Huening family, shout out to every Huening" #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #케플러_휴닝바히에 #ヒュニンバヒエ
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220407 (#Queendom2) ~ stop she's so prettyyyy HELLO AGAIN NEW QUEEN ! #HiyyihGotTheCrown #Queendom2WithBahiyyih #휴닝바히에
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220829 Hiyyih's In-Ear Monitor is finally done !! The company is aware about it and it will be sent to Hiyyih asap ! Here's a picture of the completed In-Ears !! Congratulations Hiyyih and Hiyyihlights ! 🦁💛 #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #케플러
[TEAM BAHIHUB] 220428 We've made another E-Mail Template to send to WakeOne. Please change the subject line and the wording a little to avoid being marked as spam. 🔗…
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 230226 Hiyyih on her graduation day, from Jang Yubin's (Mirae) graduation vlog! #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #케플러_휴닝바히에 #ヒュニンバヒエ
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 230322 Hiyyih was mentioned in Huening Kai's interview with W Korea! - Your little sister Huening Bahiyyih is also a member of the group Kep1er right? Since you guys are in a similar professions you must have similar concerns ↪️ That’s right. Especially ..+
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 221217 Hueningkai's Weverse Live today "us three siblings went inline skating with our grandfather when we were younger. we had to go down the downward slope so my grandfather, a smart man, held a stick-like thing, and hiyyih and i grabbed either side of it.