BAHIHUB •ᴗ•✩(@bahiyyihub)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

[TEAM BAHIHUB] 221120 Hello Hiyyihlights. We've seen people asking about our involvement in the Mic Project. Please read through our brief statement on the same. Thank You.
.@staff_kep1er @wakeone_offcl Fans are worried about HUENING BAHIYYIH's health after seeing troublesome posts about her being bruised. We wish to enquire about her well-being. Please respond to fans and/or release a statement as soon as possible so we can put our worries to rest.
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 230324 Hiyyih in the preview for Webtoon Singer Ep7. The episode will be released on Friday (03.31). HIYYIH LOVESTRUCK CLUB 히에의 러브스트럭 클럽에 입장합니다 #LoveStruckWithHiyyih #러브스트럭클럽회장히에 #휴닝바히에 #ヒュニンバヒエ
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220626 inkigayo pre-recording today's fan manager hiyyih giving out the coupons to fans who attended the pre-rec ! 🦁: please enjoy your drinks~ ☺️ 💛 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #KEP1ER #케플러
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220613 (DOUBLAST : Highlight Medley) Track 2 : Le Voya9e ; "you are my wishing ball, you are my tidal wave ~" #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #KEP1ER_HUENINGBAHIYYIH #케플러_휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #KEP1ER #케플러 @official_kep1er
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220823 Hiyyihlights! Hiyyih won the poll and the @.aidolhouse have released a design for Hiyyih's doll! It will probably be expensive due to finding a manufacturer so please support them if this goes through! Please preorder the doll when they open the link!…
Hi @mn_enta. It is incredibly disappointing that a member has been blurred out of a photo for no apparent reason. It's very disrespectful to the artist. Please take action at the quickest and either take the photo down completely or repost it without the blur on Huening Bahiyyih.
[BAHIYYIH FANBASE UNION] 230409 Hiyyihlights! Goals for the Comeback Show Fancam are here! We are aiming for 100K views for the "Giddy" Fancam and 40K for b-side fancams in 24 hours! Let's do our best for Hiyyih!
[BAHIYYIH FANBASE UNION] 220331 Our revised goals for Hiyyih's first fancam released for Queendom 2 are here ! We are aiming for 1M views and 50K - 70K likes in 24 hours. Hiyyihlights, Get ready to stream !! #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #케플러_휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #케플러
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220622 yes24 fansign 220622 Yes24 영통 히에후기 2📝 💛: actually hiyyih isn't my bias but if everyone who supports hiyyih disappears, i'll always be on your side 🦁: thank you really i love you so muchㅠㅠ
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220517 (🦁💭) 💬 ~ hiyyih learned the good boy gone bad challenge in only 10 minutes ! #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #KEP1ER_HUENINGBAHIYYIH #케플러_휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #KEP1ER #케플러 @official_kep1er
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220419 universe fns update 🦁: "the day i went to see cherry blossoms with yeseo after school 🌸" #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #KEP1ER_HUENINGBAHIYYIH #케플러_휴닝바히에 #KEP1ER #케플러 @official_kep1er
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 221214 AidolHouse released the Character Card design for the Hiyyih Plushie! 🔗:… #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #케플러_휴닝바히에 #ヒュニンバヒエ
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 221208 MAMA The Girls (Can't Turn Me Down) Intro + Dance Break : Hiyyih Focus Cam (Mnet+ Plus Cam) is here! Please add this to your streaming playlists! 🔗: #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #케플러_휴닝바히에 #ヒュニンバヒエ
[TEAM BHHB] 220215 Hiyyihlights! We want to get a headstart on planning for Hiyyih's birthday project to ensure everything goes to plan! We have prepared a tentative plan for the same. Please go through the pictures below & tell us what you think of it! 🔗…
@official_kep1er [TRANS] with my reliable brother next to me👧🏻👦🏻 [it's] the last children's day of my teens today ⠀⠀ #휴닝바히에 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #Kep1er #케플러
[TEAM BAHIHUB] 221123 1ST DEBUT ANNIVERSARY PROJECT: #Code727 Hiyyihlights! Here's another sample design for the Fanzine Cover! We have currently collected 745$ out of 2000$. Please donate if you can! Links: paypal🔗: cashapp🔗:
[TEAM BHHB] 220714 READ THREAD + Hiyyihlights! WakeOne has given us permission to send flowers and balloons on the 27th ! We think it'll only cost around 100$ to send a really pretty arrangement to Hiyyih. cashapp: paypal: