🌷*:・゚✧ #KEVIN_rwt(@mooneybees)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

his goal is to point at every moonlight he sees
seems like kevin’s aunt and cousin came to the concert today! a deobi gave them kevin’s slogan too 😆
jesus christ
kevin best bbangmil fan
this is… so high quality… 😵‍💫
apparently they have a behind video for their pole dance classes! both the teacher and kevin himself were surprised at how good kevin was at pole dancing 😆
lol kevin said it was awkward between them and the wayv fam because they saw them being their idol selves on stage for the first time 🤣 but they complimented tbz members a lot!
[📝] VCR Message #KEVIN #케빈 the dreams i imagined alone in the cold winter, deobis have come like spring to make them come true~ sincerely, thank you the fact that we can be each other’s support no matter how hard the situation is my true comfort & true blessing. thank you❤️
[📸] 230519 #KEVIN #케빈 Instagram update Zeneration Day 1 ! 🫶#hwaiting
[🎥] 230519 zeneration speech #KEVIN #케빈 i had so much fun. did you have fun? during last concerts, i remembered where you guys sat, and which section i saw you during which song. but today, i was running around everywhere and saw a bunch of people,
🌙 i know there are fans who were looking forward to my long hair… 🌙 but hair continues to grow so 🌙 :3 😉
bruh wtf
well then
damn those muscles though
i love this hairstyle on him omg
music major college boyfriends hyunjae and kevin
specifically like this https://t.co/oxEOseUJTi
[💬] 230518 #KEVIN #케빈 weverse 🐝 [Cre.ker CEO] can you spoiler something ? 🫢 don‘t worry I won‘t tell anybody 🤫 🌙 The way cre.ker isn’t a thing anymore
[💬] 230518 #KEVIN #케빈 weverse 🐝 Kevin,be honest,what number are you? 🌙 And what do you intend to do with this info
my jukev 🫶
[🎥] 230516 🧬ZENERATION🧬 Practice Log #KEVIN #케빈 🔗 youtube.com/shorts/rzLI1ph… Today’s rehearsal satisfactory level: 3/10 What we did well: Our production + choreo looks cleaner and more precise What to work on: Time management + taking care of our stamina
ah so that’s their mic colours