Lijian Zhao 赵立坚(@zlj517)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

Human rights should not be weaponized.
When all is exposed, 98% of Washington will fall.
What the US has left to the Middle East.
The stunning sunrise in Huangshan.
The US froze 7 billion of Afghanistan’s foreign exchange assets to hamper Afghanistan’s reconstruction and development. Acting against the trend of the times will only lead to more “Kabul moments”.
China’s #ClimateAction: the wind power station on the Gobi Desert in Gansu.
Baby #panda trying to get on a hammock...
The line waiting for the library to open in #Chongqing. Knowledge is power.
“This is US hypocrisy at its best.” The reporter reveals the hypocritical side of the United States’ stand on Taiwan issue. #Pelosi #China #US
What harm has China done to the US, to the peoples of the world, of Latin America & the Caribbean, of Africa & of Asia? What worries them is that China is bringing benefits to these peoples. —President of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega
Only the majority stands for the international community.
The US massacred more than 174,000 people in Afghanistan.
Everyone needs a clear understanding of himself. So does a nation.
China has always been a reliable friend of Arab countries.
A group of foreign diplomats have visited the State Grid Corporation of China to learn about the country's electric utility development in the past decade.
The U.S. has coercively promoted American values in the Middle East. Experts in various countries say, the U.S. hegemony will backfire and will not take the country far.
#Chongqing, confluence of the Yangtze River and Jialing River.
Who are Syria's White Helmets? #Syria #US #WhiteHelmets
How do the world people view Japan's handling of nuclear wastewater?
Some simple history knowledge for those who don't know.
Chipping away at stability
If the US spend more time dealing with its own problems and less time creating new ones, the world might be a better place.
Ongoing sufferings of Syrian people caused by U.S. crimes.