Petra Gurin 🐧❄️ NIJISANJI EN(@Petra_Gurin)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

i sent staff something i wanted to confirm and WORD FOR WORD they replied, "Aside from light-mode destroying my eyes it looks good to me."
SURPRISE #1!!!! Except it's actually more like a request from me LOL Print out your own Birthday Peto™ and take a photo of how you're spending my birthday! (DL link in thread) Make sure to tweet it with #petoSnap22!!!📸🧡
@mayuzumi_X You were one of the first senpai to reach out and welcome me to NIJISANJI, and it still means so much to me. I am so grateful to you and I know so many livers who feel the same way. Thank you for everything, Mayu-senpai. お疲れ様です!
cant wait to see Vox Akuma vs Vox Yashiro eventually #にじさんじ甲子園
Salome-sama drank..pilk…………
ありがとうございます よろしくお願いします
本日16:15からカフェステージでアニソン歌います!!海外ライバーにとってラストステージになります……最後まで楽しみましょう!🎤🧡 we’ll be singing anisongs on the Cafe Stage from 4:15PM JST! this will be the final performance from overseas livers…let’s have fun till the end!!!🥺…
new kouhais for me to bully🥰
good morning why is the twitter crop so tiny again
CELEBRATION STREAM WAITING ROOM!!!!🎉🎉 check out the description for the stream schedule🧡 #PetraBDAY2022 🕒 9AM JST|12AM GMT|4PM PST
長尾先輩とNIJIBAN4月MCとして参加させていただきます!!JPとENのゲストを呼んでいろいろ遊びます!よろしくお願いします🙇‍♀️ I'm co-hosting a program that features various JP/EN guests with Nagao-senpai! it'll be aired once a week this month, starting April 4🧡 WE ARE NIJISANJI!!!!!…
でび様お誕生日おめでとうございます!!Happy birthday Debi-sama!!! お約束のケーキでございます🍰これからも崇拝します! #でびる様発生祭崇拝写真
ITS TODAY!!!!! hope to see you at my debut stream! i'm very nervous but i'll do my best!!!!!!!🐧🧡 今日は初配信の日!精一杯頑張ります!!!!来てくれたら嬉しいです!🥺💕 🕒July 18 11:35 am JST/July 18 2:35 am GMT/July 17 7:35 pm PDT
🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 #NewProfilePic
【おすすめ乙女ゲーム】from ペトラ 初心者向け → Collar×Malice、Code:Realize SF、ストーリー重め → CLOCK ZERO 泣ける、優しいお話 → あやかしごはん 心をズタズタにしたい人 → 黒蝶のサイケデリカ、死神と少女 最高OF最高 → BUSTAFELLOWS
不破先輩、明那先輩、シュウくん、そしてMediQttO様!ありがとうございました!!!思ったよりワイワイできてすごく楽しかったし、気分も体もスッキリになるような配信でした(*´ー`*) #PR 詳細はこちらです!!よろしくお願いします🧡
got my New Year’s gift from AnyColor! THANK YOU TAZUMI-SAN!!!!!😇💕
thank you again for 150K subscribers!! 改めて登録者15万人ありがとうございます!! i will keep doing my very best to make my pentomos smile🐧🧡
#GordonReimusay @ReimuEndou ok im here 1) bolognese FROM SCRATCH!!! that took me 6 hours to make 2) i love cream sauce pasta so i make it a lot! (italians look away) 3) tiramisu hehe i’m making it again next week
talking to alban is 80% just him laughing at his own jokes
luca made this for me !