Petra Gurin 🐧❄️ NIJISANJI EN(@Petra_Gurin)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

this is literally how i've been seeing ike in my head for the past 3 months
dark chocolate > milk chocolate > white chocolate
HELLO an update on my moving situation/break!🥲 I was going to keep it a secret until my return stream, but the truth is I just moved to a new country and I’m actually waiting for some paperwork to be approved before I’m allowed to start streaming here…TT
Happy 1st anniversary Luxiem!!!❤️🧡💛💙💜 EN has gotten so much livelier since you debuted and you’ve given us all so many fun memories throughout the past year. Thank you always for working so hard and for making this family even more fun to be a part of!🥂🎉
i just flirted back with a fake Millie account and then the account immediately disappeared and now i just look like an insane person talking to myself
THANK YOU FOR THE WARM WELCOME BACK😭🧡 sorry i was a bit all over the place, i was honestly super nervous about coming back after such a long break but the nerves all went away after I talked with you guys again🥹 I’LL DO MY BEST FROM JAPAN!!!!! i mean canada
VOX対決、最高かよ #にじさんじ甲子園
THANK YOU FOR 1 YEAR!!! WAAAAAA #OBSYD1YEAH for my segment of the relay, we'll be playing some games with a special reveal at the end! I CAN'T WAIT TO CELEBRATE WITH EVERYONE❤️💜🧡 🕒 5PM PST|1AM GMT|9AM JST
shu wont play project sekai even when i beg but he has S rank in every trombone champ song
ぺとりってだれだよ おたんじょうびおめでとうせんせい
ELIRAAAA thank you so much for having me in your 3D, it was truly an honor to sing one of our favorite songs together😭 today was the commemorable first NIJI EN 3D reveal (of many to come😳) and I am so so SO proud of you and everything you've achieved. I love you!!💙💙💙#Elira3D
the way they were laughing as they MURDERED ME…
ベルモンド先輩の歌ってみた動画を担当させていただきました!最高に治安悪いのでぜひ聞いてみてください。お誕生日おめでとうございます!🎉🎉🎉 I had the honor of making the video for Belmond-senpai's cover! it's very very very cool, please check it out!!!! ➡️…
アニソンタイムありがとうございました!!みんなと一緒に歌えて本当にうれしかったし、ライバーになれてよかったって改めて思いました。本当にありがとうございます。 いつになるかわかりませんが、またどこかのステージで会いましょう!みんな大好き!!!!🧡 #にじフェス2022_Day2