I like his design(-^O^-) #genshinimpact #kaveh #卡维
I really like to see Tighnari in fighting mode😭
After 2 momth, finally I may get both of them! #cynonari #GenshinImapct
I hope they will meet again in the gameU ´꓃ ` U Happy 2nd anniversary! #GenshinImapct #Genshin #Collie #Amber #柯莱 #安柏 #原神
Don't wake me up before I can enter Sumeru! #Tighnari #提纳里 #cyno #赛诺 #cynonari #赛提 #GenshinImapct #原神
My baby😭😭😭 #Tighnari
My two daughters!!!Wishing they can UP tgt in 3.0(⌓‿⌓) #Tighnari #提纳里 #Xingqiu #行秋 #GenshinImapct #原神
I just can't wait to know their story in the game!!! #Tighnari #提纳里 #cyno #赛诺 #cynonari #赛提 #GenshinImapct #原神
Hi!my new wife!(◦˙▽˙◦) 「可惜了,我主修的是植物學,幫人長出腦子不是我的專業所在。」太喜歡這種毒舌了請多罵點´_>` #Tighnari #GenshinImpact #原神
I need sth to let me cool down_(:3 ⌒゙)_ #Xinqiu #Chongyun #chongqiu #重行 #云秋 #原神 #GenshinImpact
Well...they are so hottttt 就往xing张力的方向画6w6 #Xinqiu #Chongyun #chongqiu #重行 #云秋 #原神 #GenshinImpact
Ka wa iiiiiiiiiiiii
I would like to see this scene( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #Xinqiu #Chongyun #chongqiu #重行 #原神 #GenshinImpact