People cried people is me 😭😭😭 #ONEW
Hello Vlogger Onew <3
Currently losing my mind Lee Jinki onew ….
Lee Jinki onew you’re not allowed to be this cute 😭😭😭😭 #ONEW #ONEW_lifeGoesOn #온유 #オンユ
Why he gets even more tiny every time 🥲 #ONEW
ONEW FC LIMITED KEY CHAIN AR #ONEW #オンユ #オニュ #SHINee #Lifegoeson
Something very funny about onew running away with his bulked up arms
Onew King of slapstick me thinks
Onew and Minho sharing the same brain cell
🐰: #Hello_ONEW ~~ my 1st variety/documentary show will be broadcasted ! — Q: what do u want to do right now? 🐰: I want to eat Jingisukan(ジンギスカン)~~ — #ONEW: (the variety) is about ‘HOME WORK PRIVATE & TALK’ everyone please look forward to it ! See ya soon ~~
#ONEW “the scenery is so beautiful to see with your own eyes, it’s too bad we can’t see it (together)” Let me just go and scream in silence (:
Be cautious: under extreme heat onew melts. Must be stored in a cold room.
“ none of shinee members flexible” LIES LISS LIES #ONEW
Unprovoked ????
Q: what’s the thing onew (loves)? #ONEW: What I love is when my body feels lighter so I love stretching my body the most~ recently (my body) been (flexible) gradually. Let me show you! *shows it* 🐰: my goal is to stand on my hands upside down.
From 1:08 minute. #ONEW: “This is my 1st solo album in JP and the point of the album is that: even tho sometimes life doesn't go as planned, I want you to know that ‘life goes on’ eventually and that the message that I wanted to deliver with my voice.”
loml 🥹🥹 #ONEWANNX
His precious laugh 🥺😭
Onew: “ ooooh ooooh oooooooh BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
He’s just having the best day of his life ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Onew: “onew loves shawols” I’m 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
#ONEW X Anya 🥺✨😭