Onew at the recording studio recording for his upcoming first length album with his peach stress-relief pillow. Yes the world is healing
In this LIVE alone, onew called Jonghyun, Jamong then he said he’s like a puppy when he pouts/complain about smth after that he praised Jjong’s creative process and how genius he is and proudly said that there are no artist like him. Just onew being the biggest blinger as usual.…
♡ 141116 ♡ Just thinking of that day during rehearsal, Jjong and Taem taking care of onew who was feeling sleepy and low energetic <3 Jjong dancing enthusiastically and Taem taking care of onew on his own loving way. #온유 #종현 #태민 #JONGYU
Minho holding onew’s tiny waist;;
Don’t make me say it
Nooo is Minho teasing key’s bad love win whxbwjjsiwjdjwjs Istg this man is asking for a beating 💀💀💀💀…
Q: What artists do you listen to recently? #ONEW: recently…these days I’ve been trying to change my vocalization technique in singing, so I listen to high-pitched songs, just high key note songs in general. Like Stevie Wonder, I’ll be practicing and humming to his songs. -con-
Minho:after suju made their debut, I basically stayed most of the time at the company training for over a year so when they saw me again Donghae yelled angrily: “ HOW THE HELL ARE U SO TALL!!!” D: I just remember he was really short when I first met him then suddenly got taller.
Wendy's Youngstreet With Minho Wendy was reading the sheet about Onew,Taemin and Key and what their reaction to Minho’s chase Minho: yupp they did that … I’ve talked a lot about the members already so let’s talk about sth else XD let’s change the subject. #Minho #민호
Why he gets even more tiny every time 🥲 #ONEW
Ah everything makes sense now that’s why shawols went dead silence during Beauty ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ onew had a choreo with a female dancer and it had sexy dances/moves !…
I didn’t know onew saying 頬っぺた/(poke ur) cheekies can sound this cute 😭😭😭 オニュさんの「ほっぺた」めっちゃかわいいんですよね ! ! ! 😭
Jaehwan reenacting famous kdrama kissing scene ‘Secret Garden’ with Onew XD Jinki pretending he saw nothing is sending meeee hehsjsjsjsjs #ONEW #Travelog
The headline of this Japanese article about #ONEW gotta be the funniest 😆: “ SHINee ONEW, is training his core?! … he’s sharing his (progress) while (seating) on his (invisible) chair Who’s gonna tell them it’s just part of onew’s anticsㅋㅋ
Onew and his Boy Scout uniform 😆🥲
!!!! According to the YouTuber/Vocal Trainer, onew will be appearing on this channel as a guest in July !!!! He even announced it in his video too !!😭🥹✨…
after all these years of waiting I can’t believe I’m finally having my Taengoo X jinki collab TT regardless if it was for LEADERS subunit or not I’ll take this as their long awaited collab;;;
LRT 220912 #ONEW fansign Fan: why do you work so hard as soloist? Onew: I wanted to have a strong bond with SHINee members. Onew refereed to SHINee members as his reason why he’s working so hard as soloist and used 繋ぎ to describe it. 繋ぎ = bond/connected/linked..etc
Onew: my Korean age is 34 y.o maybe … ah not maybe it’s indeed 34 y.o ~ I’m in my thirties now ~~ *shawols claps* Onew: huh?? Why?? Why are u clapping for this?? * the band in the back r laughing loudly* Onew: ah they’re (the band) cracking up laughing ~…
* about to faint *
Tears nonstop 😭😭😭 #ONEW #オンユ #Lifegoeson
Q: share a fun b-t-s moment? Minho: “I fell asleep while we were shooting one of the fashion show scenes, I was behind mentoring the scene so the director took this picture of me sleeping.” Cheekies TT
This hurts even moreㅠㅠ today onew instead of crying loudly he held both of his hands to his mouth so no one can hear him crying 😭 I think this is the 1st time he’s doing this, I don’t remember he ever did this b4?
I just know someone is going to be very very pleased about seeing Choi Minho being chased down and hunted ……
Minho will file a complaint XD He said last night he was so lucky to have onew as the MC since onew was chill and calm so he’s thankful but he is feeling pressured cuz of key so he isn’t thankful at all jsshjsjsjsjdjd