👹🦊 我就想看爹被咪踢。 twitter.com/LittleBambi_uw…
#mystameals #MystArt Proudly present…the mystaborger Please hire me to design character meals please🍔 (ingredients: white bun, katzu-chicken with curry sauce, cheese,fresh tomato and lettuce)
This is what I thought it looked like when I saw this happen during stream (I wonder if people noticed the reference) #Legartus #Artchivist #FulGallery twitter.com/natzumeko/stat…
#FulGallery #FulgurOvidHere #Comfydants ⚡️🐏 Always enjoy these funny interactions with Fu-Chan, so here’s an animated version of the ending zatzu. (full animation video here) youtu.be/CxyQeTF4PLg
#FulAss #FulGallery #fathersdaysurprise Happy Father’s Day Fulgur! Here’s your customized b👀ba apron
#lucadeezhands #drawluca Just in case if you need an apron… PNG drive: drive.google.com/drive/folders/…