#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.11 🐺“I miss both of you. I miss you.” 😽It’s only been one day. Soon we will be back. In just 16 more days. 🐺Yes, in 16 days. I will take photos as I promised. + #ZeeNunewGo2KoreaJapan #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/AfternoonZeeNe…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.11 This trip is going to be so awesome as the captains of each couple are going to expose one another lol And Nat, are you writing a fan fic?? hahaha #ZeeNunewGo2KoreaJapan #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/netsiraphop/st…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.11 Enjoy your time there and glad to see you having fun today. Keep smiling and stay happy!! #ZeeNunewGo2KoreaJapan #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/AoftionDMD/sta…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.11 (By request) *Reporter mentioning how Hia still looks young despite his age* R: You (Zee) have a baby face. 😽 Age is just a number 😽 Hmm? 😽 What? #ZeeNunewGo2KoreaJapan #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/inunewyouu/sta…
Go and have fun today!! Can’t wait to know what you are working on. And don’t forget to relax and enjoy! #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD2
—NuNew_Updates || 2022.10.12 IG: new_cwr ✏️เกาหลี เกาาา…รักตะเองนะ 😘 งุงิ 🔗instagram.com/p/CjmlSZ1rGRG/ ⏫Like, Comment, Share, Repost #NuNew #NanaNu
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.12 The conversation was cute and the interaction was sweet. And yes, we are still okay as single community 🤣 #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD2 #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/BehindDMD/stat…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.12 We are ready for more. Love how this trip comes with a theme of exposing each other 😂 #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD2 #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/zee_pruk/statu…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.12 We smell ginger today when NuNew shows off his handsome Hia! #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD2 #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/CwrNew/status/…
— ZeePruk_Daily || 2022.10.12 It seems to be a very interesting plot. Can’t wait to see Zee’s interpretation of P’Leng. *ENG Trans. by @imyour_nabi* #ZeePruk #Zunshine #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/daradaily/stat…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.10/11/12 Not sure if Hia was talking about the picture or was he talking about how hot Nu was lol sorry admin is tired haha gtg~ #ZeeNuNewinKorea #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.12/13 Thanks to PK for the explanation.. We are confused with many things, but we know for the fact that this is gingering~ *Eng Trans. by PK* #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD2 #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation
— NuNew_Updates || 2022.10.13 Weibo: NNew云 ✏️: 感谢大家支持我的杂志na krub 😚 trans: Thanks everyone for supporting my magazine na krub 😚 🔗m.weibo.cn/7660554532/482… ⏫Like, Comment, Share, Repost #NuNew #NanaNu
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.13 Can’t wait to see their vlog and hear their scream 😆 Sorry for laughing when they both were scared 😂 #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD3 #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/BehindDMD/stat…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.13 Is Hia planning on ditching other people? lol Well, it's so that the staff can relax and rest right? 😉 #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD3 #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/ZNN_Intl/statu…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.13 When all of us were surprised that NuNew wasn't holding and eating an ice cream...it turned out to be ginger land 😜 #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD3 #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/ZNN_Intl/statu…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.13 Of course Nu is going to eat anything Hia feeds him lol Welcome to join us, P'Aof hahaha #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD3 #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/ZNN_Intl/statu…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.13 🎶Oh every time I see you.. When I stare right into you.. I could feel my heart beat faster for you.🎶 Just like when Hia celebrated Nu's birthday~ Even BGM can feel their vibe 🥰 #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD3 #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation twitter.com/ZNN_Intl/statu…
#ZNN_Daily || 2022.10.13 Okay, we think this is the last one (unless these two are still awake lol). Sorry for spamming, but we are happy to do so hehehe Have a good night, everyone~ #ZeeNuNewinKoreaD3 #ZeeNuNew #ซนซน #ZNN_Intl_Translation
— ZeePruk_Updates || 2022.10.14 IG: photozafehouse ✏️Love this place 💙 #ZeePrukinKorea #ZeePruk #Zunshine
Club Friday the series: 7 years of love Teaser out watch it here ☺️ 🔗fb.watch/g94iCn8CAa/ #Teaserรัก7ปี
What will be the role of Leng to Risa's life 🤔 #Teaserรัก7ปี #ZeePruk