where is that one btxt video
txt and moa's secret song 🥺
kuromi hobi & cinnamoroll gyu!
the way we didn't get btxt crumbs for years then here's 2023 giving us all with drunk txt in front of yoongi 😭😭😭😭😭
txt will be performing on music bank's mid-year special on june 24th!
🎶 dynamite + that that
hobi once txt performs cat & dog at lollapalooza
yeonjun when are you posting your that that tiktok we are waiting 🥹🫶🏻 #쭈뀨미즈를_웃겨라
though he wasnt able to perform a few songs today, he still managed to get through the concert. i'm so proud of him :( i hope he wont feel bad abt it anymore bcs it's v important to prioritize their health & well-being first. we love u so much, our beomie!
🦊: bts, congratulations! 🦊: we'll hand the trophy to them later
#bts #txt boy in luv dance practice
we're finally getting a beomjun live after 84 years #쭈뀨미즈를_웃겨라
set me free pt. 2 x frost
i know im not the only one who thought of 3J because of this hyuka 😭
#BTS and #TXT's Upcoming Schedule (KST) — those without time are either going to be released at 12AM KST or were not indicated in the announcements (or i'm just not sure 😅)!
🧸: can we take the bts family photo with us? let's eat with our hyungs. 🐧: hehe it's ours now
"The two superstar boy bands will give advice to contestants, as major global artists who have also been trainees themselves in the past."
hobi and txt 🥺
beomgyu and taehyun never beating the taehyungist and jungkooker allegations
already excited for hobipalooza and txtpalooza episodes on youtube 😭💗
jungkook taking an army's phone and yeonjun taking a moa's phone to record themselves
what a bad year for btxt and moarmy haters