txt_bighit via instagram stories
they did a group hug after :(
@ lee mujin service 🐥🐿 jimin: youtu.be/1wvz8Rs7dgc taehyun: youtu.be/0CtypFi_yEA
i love being a moarmy sm :( besides having great artists to admire and great songs to listens to, we also have both of our ult groups having mutual admiration and respect for each other. there's no one else like them fr i'm so thankful i got to live in the same lifetime as them
CHOI SOOBIN?????????????
yeonjun, huening kai, and j-hope of tomorrow x together everyone
thinking of how soogyu are veteran armys like beomgyu saying the first album he bought was hyyh pt. 1 and soobin saying he became a fan during i need u era ... i think they haven’t moved on from hyyh too
bts liked both videos of hobi and yoongi doing the happy fools challenge on tiktok! 🥺💗
jimin talked about the 'sorry for being cute' challenge on his live yesterday and mentioned soobin! 🥹💗
"4 + 4?" hiyyih:
seokjin's first instagram post since last year: "welcome" 🥺
yoongi and tobin
yoongi couldnt handle yeonjun's cute drunk side 😂🤣 same yoongi same yoongi 🤧
jungkook and taehyun singing boy with luv’s chorus together 💗
watching soobin and youngji talk like this is insane cause she’s the same age as tyunning and is younger than them in months 😭
seokjin's pink jacket
txt happy fools challenge with hobi and yoongi! 💗
armys and moas singing along to 2!3! and sweat :(
everyone please leave lots of beautiful and lovely messages for taehyun on weverse :(
‘like crazy’ has won 1st place at this week’s mcountdown! congratulations jimin!!! 🐥🏆 #LikeCrazy1stWin #OurJiminWonAnAward
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txt on to do next week