
#XiaoZhan is on a break & his schedule right now is relatively free. This month's play “Dream Like A Dream” (如梦之梦) will be postponed. So he doesn’t need to go to any rehearsals. Currently he is reading over scripts & working on how to continue to improve on Patient No.5…
“Douluo Continent 2” (斗罗大陆2 ) will be 🐧 head project next year. 🐧 wants to gather the original crew to continue shooting, but there are 2 major problems: 1. The writer is currently very busy, it is unknown when the script will be finished 2. If #XiaoZhan will return…
The spokespersons of 🐧 has will have a cooperation with each other. Many netizens hope that it will be #Dilireba & #XiaoZhan, especially on a film or TV drama. But it will be more likely that it will be #YangMi & Xiao Zhan instead #cpop
#XiaoZhan #LiQian tentatively scheduled to record drama “Where Dreams Begin” (梦中的那片海) press conference on 4/21 #cpop
#XiaoZhan - Elle Magazine January 2022 #cpop
#WangYibo - Vogue Magazine #cpop
#WangYibo will gradually reduce the frequency of recording until he officially phased out of “Day Day Up” (天天向上). Recently, there were rumours of Wang Yibo not joining the latest recording of the program. The ratings of the show has gradually dropped over the years…
#XiaoZhan - Lays Potato Chips #cpop
#XiaoZhan - Huawei Mobile Endorsement #cpop
#XiaoZhan should have a few more endorsements to be announced this year. The next one that is ready is Extra Gum. While the internet say he has Dior coming soon too, others say it’s Gucci. The only way to know is to wait for the official announcement #cpop
🐧 has given #XiaoZhan a costume drama script #cpop
Beijing Film Festival (北京电影节) Invited Guests: #JackieChan #AndyLau #XiaoZhan #Dilireba #YiyangQianxi #WangYuan #WangJunkai etc… #cpop
#XiaoZhan rejected the drama “最好的对手” (lit. Best Rival). Even though Xiao Zhan has received many scripts, he hasn’t decided his next project. He’s hoping to film a movie next but in the meantime, he wants to focus on finishing “Where Dreams Begin” (梦中的那片海) first #cpop
Movie “心跳” (lit. Heartbeat) Starring: #LiuYifei #XiaoZhan #cpop
Some good news for #ChenXiao #WangYibo “Being A Hero” (冰雨火). It is to be in the final stages of reviews now, & essentially confirmed to broadcast in 2022. Everyone is waiting on the final review to announce the specific date #cpop
“Day Day Up” (天天向上) to record 4 times a month, #WangYibo to return to record the program twice a month #cpop
#XiaoZhan loves hot pot, he would rather exercise 2 more hours than to miss an opportunity to eat a meal of hot pot #cpop
The Four Top Beauties (四大美女) in the industry: #YangMi #Angelababy #LiuYifei #Dilireba #cpop
#WangYibo hasn’t had a lot of rest lately due to filming & getting ready for the “Street Dance of China” Finals. Wang Yibo was filming in Shanghai the afternoon before attending the Redmi fanmeeting. He returned to his hotel at 10am after working 18 hours before he took a…
The press conference for “Oath of Love” (余生只多指教) will be in the morning of 9/6. Both #YangZi & #XiaoZhan will attend #cpop
#XiaoZhan to guest on 🥭 variety show “Welcome Back to Sound” (朋友请挺好2)
This year prior to #WangYibo’s contract renewal, he received a lot more than usual business, movie scripts & overall resources. He now also has a relatively high degree of freedom in the company too. There is one person who definitely doesn’t want him to leave #cpop
#WangYibo filming “One And Only” (热烈) #cpop twitter.com/takewithsalt/s…
#WangYibo will attend 2022 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony. As 长空之王 (lit. King of the Sky) has been delayed, he will film an art film with #ZhouXun, while #ZhouDongyu will do her re-shoots for “Fire on the Plain” (平原上的火焰) #cpop