HAMSTER COIN(@_hamster_coin)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

According to our estimations, due to the lack of Hamstercoin liquidity on the @XTexchange, they closed #Hamstercoin withdrawals but trade continued. Please do not trade on the #XTexchange and contact XT support to withdraw your Hamstercoin.
We are requesting the release of #Hamstercoin withdrawals from the @XTexchange. Please release our funds.
@the_wilderless Oh my little brother 💕
We proudly share the #Hamstercoin #OKX collaboration with you. The first step of this cooperation, #web3 Okx wallet integrated in our Swap system. @okx @okxweb3 @OKCNetwork
Attention all #NFT enthusiasts and collectors! We are excited to announce that the NFT marketplace Mint will be launching on April 17th at 1500UTC. Mark your calendars. We can't wait to see what amazing creations will be in the marketplace. See you there! #Hamstercoin #BTC #BNB
All Eyez on Me 🐹👀 We are both in most viewed and most watched #Certik Trends. Let's celebrate this with an event. Like, RT this tweet and Comment on any other tweet in English with #EyezOnHamster , #Hamstercoin and tag 3 friends 10 lucky people will win 25usdt.
Total price will be 250 usdt. Only 1 comment per tweet. More popular tweets more chance. Winners will be announced on April 15 in our Telegram group. #EyezOnHamster #Hamstercoin
As each day goes by, we draw closer to the #NFT Mint, with only six days remaining. Are we adequately prepared for this momentous occasion? swaphamster.io #Hamstercoin #HamsterNFT #Hamsterbull
A funny day for hamster enthusiasts to come together and share our love for these adorable creatures. We're giving away 10 #HamsterNFT 🔸️RT + Like 🔸️3 friends tag on tweet bellow 🔸️Comment a picture of your hamster #HamsterDay #HamsterCoin #HamsterNFT
Winners will be announced at April 25 in our Telegram group.
HamsterNFTs will be mintable for only 2 days. You can be the FIRST one to mint the FIRST NFT collection of HamsterCoin. It's started. Now it's HamsterNFT time. 🔸swaphamster.io #Hamstercoin #HamsterNft
New Inspiring to Hamster Ecosystem with NFT Marketplace #HamsterCoin #HamsterNFT #NFTMint support-79390.medium.com/new-inspiring-…
NFT owners will be an important part of the #HamsterEcosystem with the Membership feature. The NFT system will also support the burning of Hamstercoins and reduce the total supply. #HamsterNFT and #Hamstercoin will rise together. twitter.com/bsc_daily/stat…
@okx @okxweb3 We are just starting to grow together. Our collaboration has only just begun and we are sure to see much more. We will present our thanks with our future joint projects. @okxweb3 we wish you continued success
PARTNERSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT @_hamster_coin x @BitKeepOS 🏆 Giveaway 10 HamsterNFT $1000 usdt 5000#LZBGG 🔸 Follow @_hamster_coin x @BitKeepOS 🔸 RT, Like ❤️ & Tag 3 friends Fill out the form here to enter: forms.gle/M7g77UFZcTge3z… #HamsterCoin $#HAM#BitKeep #LZBG #HamsterNFT