Pomu Rainpuff🧚🍂NIJISANJI EN(@PomuRainpuff)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

🗻 I was so happy that day 💗💗
Didnt think I’d wake up crying
#いいおっぱいの日 ※写真はイメージです
I love Lazulight
I love this game so much twitter.com/amu_utau_/stat…
today........................🧍‍♂️ twitter.com/NIJISANJI_Worl…
HAPPY MAID DAY!!!✨💕 おかえりなさいませ、ご主人様 ♡ お嬢様 #メイドの日
Checked out the Obsydia world a bit last night and here's my date with Rosemi we took many cute photos together
sleep with one eye open
lljkdf ljkasdlkasdnasdlkfa sjklasdlkjasdlkjasdnlsadlksadljksadlkjsadljkasdljkasdfljkasdfjlkasdf;jlkasdflj;kasdfljkasdflkjfsd
I can't even watch this disgusting display of defamation
This mary sue puts himself in extremely powerful That's how you know
My mama's main account got hacked, even with 2 verification security on. 😰💦💦 A lot of accounts have been compromised lately so be sure to update your passwords!!! Stay safe everyone! twitter.com/kujouitiso_sab…
I can't believe this is real 😭 What an absolute honor to be in the same game with so many wonderfully talented artists and friends of Gensokyo! Thank you again Touhou LostWord for the opportunity!!! twitter.com/touhouLW_Globa…
700k 🥺🙏💗💗🚀☀️Thank you!!!
nowwwww!!!! 【▮▮▮▮▮▮】▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ #Lazu1ightAnniversary youtu.be/YS4hXn41ns8 via @YouTube
When I first saw all our senpai doing the Sakuyui Taisou dance I knew I wanted to do it with LazuLight when we got our 3Ds! I'm so happy! 🥹💓 【3Dで #踊ってみた】さくゆいたいそう Sakuyui Taisou LazuLight ver.【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu R... youtube.com/shorts/d3SEE9C…
I will remember this for the rest of my life
I still have quite a few things to do before the stream, so I'll do my best to finish before then!!! LETS PARTY TODAY!!!🎉🎉✨ youtu.be/zkAecWb_yTs
its ok kirito akuma go live your power fantasy
Which Pomu are you feeling today?
OTSUUUUU!!! Thank you for watching and thank you for 300k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭🙏 I'll keep working hard!!! Until next MGS stream!!!! 📦