fade on 3 zaap ㅠㅠ #3ZaapxJeffsatur#JeffSatur
ap: may i ask a personal (question)? jeff: how personal krub? ap: *gets flustered* num: don’t tease like this jeff: i can’t? num: don’t tease like this! ap: p num why would you stop nong! #3ZaapxJeffsatur#JeffSatur
ap: jeff, what “luk krueng” are you? jeff: i’m a “luk siew”. my dad is an english luk krueng and my mom is a chinese luk krueng ap: so you mean a thai-english and thai-chinese person came to meet? jeff: yep so i’m only krueng luk 😅 you’re all quiet now? okay… [1]
jeff: actually that day, i didn’t announce that i would be performing there but fans guessed that i would be performing there at siam. siam square, like street (performance). fans hoped that i would be performing and i actually was gonna [1] #3ZaapxJeffsatur#JeffSatur
ap: i heard you had a concert and (your) only audience was (your) family jeff: yes, my parents. my parents were their to cheer (their) son with a flower for him, (and) guessed that there would be people watching. but, it was a very open lot [1] #3ZaapxJeffsatur#JeffSatur
jeff: i’ve sang since i was 17-18, around that ap: count from your first (piece of) work, how old were you? jeff: yeah around 17-18 num: so around 10 years? jeff: 10 years. num: so where have (you) been jeff? how did you just become jeff [1] #3ZaapxJeffsatur#JeffSatur
phi nong
[trans] barcode: love this person the most 💜 (*written in a cute language) woody: 🙌 sos: don’t know who (you’re) confessing (your) love to…(i) just know that phi loves you most 💜
peekaboo 🫣
jeff: i'm jeff satur, currently an artist, actor and producer barcode: i'm barcode, currently an actor and p jeff's student jeff: heuii! jeff: i didn't know there would be this many people supporting us, thankyou so much for real. thank you for always supporting us [1]
one donut 🍩 for us please 🙏🏻
jeffy satur whooooo ><
ppp—pphi BARCODE
? (a) cheat meal you like jeff: i cheat everyday, there’s no cheat meal, (i) cheat everyday because i’m in (my) gaining weight (phase). but, if i had to choose one thing it would be truffle pizza ? light side and dark side jeff: i find happiness in simple things such as before +
? word/s (you) hear that make (you) feel best jeff: a saying from my dad. my dad said everything that happens is always good. i feel like it’s true. like i said a coin has two sides, we may be seeing the bad side and forget to flip (it) to look at the side that has good. +
? a popular person you don’t personally know (but) would like to be best friends with jeff: uhh who should it be…let’s go with billie eilish. i think we listen to similar music and i read her lyrics a lot and found that there are lots of things that relate us in various +
? something your fanclubs have done that made you proud jeff: recently, there was someone who came my event and lost their doll, it was at a very dirty state. another saturday found the doll and brought it back to wash till it was all clean. they then gave it back to the +
jeff satur in hongkong 🇭🇰 #KPWorldTourHONGKONG
jeff: first of all, i would like to thank the staff and everyone who made this show possible. everyone worked really hard please give them a round of applause + #KPWorldTourHONGKONG
jeff satur admiring his cartwheel boy 🤲🏻 #KPWorldTourHONGKONG
🌻 boi~
jeff being on everyone’s story but his own 😅
bible: this is nong ngod barcode: nong ngod is a pineapple right now jeff: oh a pineapple *laughs* bible: this is jeab
missing these two cuties 🐰 ♡
jeff: …same set as all (my) friends here who are following their dreams. everyone here, whether (you’re) here, at the back, at the top, (or the) right side, i believe everyone has a dream. can you promiss us that you’ll make your + #KPWorldTourHONGKONGD2