📚NI-KI's Little Library(@NLL_Books)さんの人気ツイート(いいね順)

《📝Survey 》 🎁We've prepared LED ADs & freebies to celebrate NI-KI's birthday in Manila. We would like to know if it's possible for you to visit these locations where #NI_KI's Ads will be displayed 😊 ⬇️Please answer the POLL in the thread. #ENHYPEN_NI_KI @ENHYPEN_members
《フィリピン🇵🇭のENGENEが素敵な新学年のスタートができますように、教科書をお贈りします📚》 📢We will soon to announce the "Back to School - Book Donation Project" for Filo-ENGENE students who need books for their studies📚 Stay tuned for updates😉 #NI_KI #西村力 @ENHYPEN_members
J-ENGENEsによるご支援のもと、 🇵🇭子供たちとそのご家族へ5000枚以上のマスクと保存食等を #NI_KI くんの名前で寄付をしました😊詳細は画像を⬇️ We've donated more than 5,000 disposable masks and groceries for children in need to @ChildhopePH under NI-KI's name. #NLL_Donation #ENHYPEN
🎁1 Album + 2 PCs + 1 #ENHYPEN keyring for 10 winners Mechanics: 🍀Follow & RT 🍀Reply to us w/ a message to #Jungwon incl. the birthday hashtags 🍀Add WONKI photo 🗳️END: in 24 hrs The winners will be picked by @JUNGWONGLOBAL & the prizes will be shipped by NLL worldwide.
🇯🇵🐆NLL's SURPRISE ALBUM GIVEAWAY!🎉 🎁 3 WINNERS of RANDOM BORDER:CARNIVAL ALBUM + 1bias PC Mechanics: (reply proofs) 🍀Follow us(on notifs) 🍀Like & Retweet 🍀Tag 5 moots & drop the tags for @ENHYPEN_members 's First Win! 🎉 ☑️END:TBA
《🇯🇵NLL BIG GIVEAWAY WITH THEKKING🐆》 🎊 10-20 WINNERS 🎁 For TOP VOTERS: 1-2 GGU GGU Packages 1-2 EN- LightSticks 1 EN-Connect DVD & 🎁 7-15 D:DILEMMA Albums from the rest. ☑️Kindly READ AND FOLLOW the WHOLE THREAD carefully. #NLL_GA #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #NI_KI @ENHYPEN_members
#NI_KI MOA LED Birthday AD Freebies Destribution 🐥🎁》 Hello Engenes!!! We are currently heading to MOA GLOBE 🥳 We will find a place where we can avoid the rain and announce the place asap! Just make sure to tweet your entry before going to the distribution place😉 #西村力
《🐥🐆Sealed Albums Giveaway from previous ver. 未開封アルバム🎁》 #️⃣7️⃣ WINNERS SEALED ALBUM for ENGENEs 💝 Please see photo & read mechanics carefully 😉 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #NI_KI #西村力 ⬇️ Thread ⬇️
《🎏こどもの日・子ども支援の寄付🐆》 心臓病や小児がんといった学校に通えない病気の子供さん達の学習を支援する団体 ポケットサポートさんに、#NI_KI くんの名前のもと図書カードを寄付させていただきました。 詳細は画像をご覧ください☺️ #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #ENHYPEN #DARKBLOOD @ENHYPEN_members
【🎉お誕生日企画 for NI-KI】 🍀#NI_KI くんのセンイルを記念して、NLLでは5つの企画を設けました☺️画像でご確認ください。 🍀1000円ご寄付募ります。詳細はスレッドをご確認ください。お気軽に参加していただけると嬉しいです✨ #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #西村力 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members #NLL_Activity
ストリート・チルドレンを支援する団体に #NI_KI くんの名前で寄付をしました🐆詳細は画像をご覧下さい🤗 We donated to @ChildhopePH under NI-KI's name to help street children in PH. Let's be the hope of those children in poverty😭🥣 #NLL_Donations #ENHYPEN ⬇️Sponsors in thread📩
《📢Advance Notice》 Attention, please! NI-KI lovers, we're preparing a BIG Giveaway for you! We've got lots of official #NI_KI's Acrylic Stands, Phonetabs, hand made items & more contributed by NI-KI biased J-Engenes❤️ Stay tuned for updates! @ENHYPEN_members  #ENHYPEN
《📢ニキペンさ〜ん🇯🇵日本&海外合同お手紙&ソンムル企画》 ㊗️16歳のお祝いに、日本エンジン10名の方にニキくんのアクスタをプレゼント🎁 🈸画像の見本を参考に、お手紙+タグ+画像を付けて、このツイートに返信してね😉 #ニキくん16歳おめでとう #ENHYPEN #NI_KI #NLL_GA @/ENHYPEN_members 🔤#️⃣↓
《060921🇯🇵🐆UPDATES》 #NLL_Donations We have adopted two 🐆pumas and put them under #NI_KI's full name. Thank you so much for your generous donation to NLL😌+ 🎀DONORS🎀 @nDJskKyyHNiQiZo @ENHYPEN7hanako @MIKO_37_ @niki_riki_ @soupas0123 @NikiNik63912419 @jb7NI_KI @EngeneMayu
《📢Advance Notice》 Attention, please! NI-KI lovers, we're preparing a BIG Giveaway to celebrate #NI_KI's birthday! We've got lots of official merches & more contributed by our very own NLL admins & NI-KI biased J-Engenes❤️ Stay tuned for updates! @ENHYPEN_members  @ENHYPEN
《🇯🇵072021未開封アルバム🎁購入できないエンジンに届け❢》 ⚠️For ENGENENs IN NEED 🎉10 winners of SEALED album Mechanics; ✔️Follow us (on notifs) ✔️👍& RT ✔️ Tag 3 moots ✔️Pls briefly discribe the reasons you want to have 🗳️END:JUL 23 #NLL_GA #NLL_Activity #NI_KI #ENHYPEN
先日は投票にご参加頂きありがとうございました🙏 計691票の結果 #NI_KI 君の名前で『🐆PUMA保護(仮想養子縁組)』に寄付する事にしました🤗 ⬇️スレッドにて保護予定の2頭の紹介をしています🐆🐆 ※私も寄付したい🌈という方、500円~可能です👍24日13時まで受付ます💌 #ENHYPEN #ENHYPEN_members
《📢Advance Notice/Jayの誕生日🎁予告》 We'll host a giveaway to celebrate #JAY's birthday starting 12PM(KST) TODAY! ✨ PCs ✨#ENHYPEN keyrings & more ✨Albums(random from D:D & D:A) Jay lovers! Pls stay tuned for updates❤️ OUR JAYPRIL LOVE #BelovedBirthJAY @enhypen_member
《📢 Birthday Giveaway esp. for #JAY lovers! ジェイのお誕生日🎁企画 🎂🎉》 🎁1Album+2PCs+1 #ENHYPEN official item 🎁for additional winners:3PCs Please see the photo & read the mechanics carefully in a thread below. OUR JAYPRIL LOVE #BelovedBirthJAY @/ENHYPEN_members
🇯🇵🐆 #ENHYPEN BORDER:CARNIVAL ALBUM GIVEAWAY🎁 🎊20 WINNERS of COMEBACK ALBUM/PC/GGU GGU 🍀Follow Us(on notifs) 🍀👍&RT 🍀Reply voting proofs on "THEKKING" that you voted "ENHYPEN"(Read threads below) 🍀Tag 5 mutuals & @ENHYPEN_members ☑️END: April 26(1AM KST) ⬇See details
《🇯🇵NLLは教科書を購入することが経済的に困難なフィリピンENGENEを応援しています📚》 We are delighted to announce the Back to School - Book Donation Project in the Philippines is back! 📚 It is applicable to FILO-ENGENEs ONLY 🇵🇭 ⬇️See ENTRY FORM below⬇️ #NLL_BookDonation #NI_KI
To the participants in GA at MOA Pls check the images to find the location. Get a free snacks and a juice😆🥤 16 Cosmos for Ni-Ki #LegendaRiKiSweet16 #祝16歳NI_KIくんが幸せでありますように #엔진의_자랑_댄스천재_NI_KI의_날 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN @NLL_Books
《🇯🇵🐆082321サプライズGA》 🎉14 Winners 🍀Followers only 🍀RT 🍀Reply with ur FAVORITE BIAS PHOTO & A SCREENSHOT of completed voting on TTA (See our sample twts below) 🍀Tag 3 moots + below↓ #ENHYPEN #NI_KI #ENHYPEN_NI_KI @.ENHYPEN_members 🗳️END:TBA #NLL_GA #NLL_Activity
《📢🦌ヒスンお誕生日記念ソンムル/Happy #HEESEUNG Day🎂》 7️⃣ WINNERS 🎁 当選者7名にマニフェストアルバム、トレカ2枚、公式グッズを贈ります。 Pls see the photo & read the mechanics carefully ⬇️ STELLAR ACE HEESEUNG #CenterOfOurUniverseHeeseung #사랑하는_희승아_너를위한_10월이야
《📢NI-KI大好きな日本ENGENEの皆さまに、感謝をこめてソンムル企画🍀》 🎁推しタオル 計30枚 🔽画像のエントリーや見本を参考にお申し込みください 🔚 2/22(水) 〜22時締切 🗳選定方法:アプリによるランダム抽選 #今までもこれからもニキしか見えない #ENHYPEN_NI_KI #NI_KI @.ENHYPEN_members