vincent Fichot(@FichotVincent)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

今日、マヤマ上院議員が彼のサポートを提供するために来ました。Today, senator Mayama came to offer his support. @MayamaMia
to be clear, my home has been japan for the last 15 years. my children were kidnapped 3 years ago from their home in japan by their japanese mother and i want the return of my children home JAPAN
はっきり言って、私の家は過去15年間日本でした。 私の子供たちは日本の母親に日本の家から3年誘拐されました、そして私は私の子供たちを日本の家に帰らせたいです.
Day 9 of the hunger strike. This is the video we took yesterday when 20 mothers victims of child abduction in Japan came to support me. ハンガーストライキの9日目。これは昨日、日本で誘拐された母親20人が私をサポートしてくれたときに撮ったビデオです。
Today over 20 mothers of 5 different nationalities, all victims of child abduction came to support me. As each of them were stating the number of years they had been forcibly separated of their children, tears appeared in the crowd… thank you to these brave mothers
#2 Today is day 8 of the hunger strike. This is the video we took yesterday. 今日はハンガーストライキの日です。これは昨日撮ったビデオです @KushidaOf
Today is day on the hunger strike. This is the video we took yesterday. 今日はハンガーストライキの日です。これは昨日撮ったビデオです
Today I was honored by the visit of Kada and Kushida sensei, both members of the Japanese parliament. They want to put an end to child abduction too. 本日は、日本国会議員である加田先生と櫛田先生のご来場を光栄に思います。彼らも子供の誘拐に終止符を打つことを望んでいます
Taiwan News reported on the child abduction issue in japan. 80k views in less than 24 hours!!! 英文台湾日報は、日本の子供の誘拐問題について報じました。 ビデオはYouTubeにアップロードされ、24時間以内に8万回再生されました!!!…
Today is Day 7 of the hunger strike. This is the video we took yesterday. 今日はハンガーストライキの7日目です。これは私たちが昨日撮ったビデオです
Today is Day 6 of the hunger strike. This is the video we took yesterday. 今日はハンガーストライキの6日目です。これは私たちが昨日撮ったビデオです
Day 5 of the Hunger Strike/ ハンターストライキの5日目
今日、私は何年も前に子供が誘拐された7人の母親の訪問に恵まれました。 私は彼らの力に感心し、子供たちを家に連れて帰りたいと思っています. Today I was blessed by the visit of 7 mothers whose children were kidnapped years ago. I admire their strength to bring their children home
Today three Japanese mothers victims of child abduction visited me. Their children were respectively kidnapped 4, 5 and 7.5 years ago. I was impressed by their strong fighting spirit which is the expression of their love for their children