
hot is the title track and hoshi has been spoiling it since april. we didn't even know 😔
sector 17 broadcast photocards #에스쿱스 #조슈아 #정한
"svt is the nipples, carats are the bra. we protect them at any cost." ??!
it looks as if vernon and minghao have matching instagram profiles 🤣
carat asked seungcheol if shua and jeonghan bothered him a lot during carat version filming and he said that the two bullied him a lot especially jeonghan. jeonghan sprayed a lot of paint across his chest... 🤣
they found mariah carey singing aju nice's high note amongst the audience
a carat's acquaintance shared this id photo of hoshi to them and told some stories about hoshi during high school. 💎: (my acquaintance) said that hoshi used to come to other classes to brag about his nuest mv appearance saying, "this is me! this is me!" like this ㅋㅋㅋ
they're like rose quartz and serenity..
today, the members asked for carats to sing dino's parts while he's absent so carats will be dino for today. dk went, "are you dino?" and everyone cheered 😭
just vernon saying, "i'm really sorry, seungkwan" when he drew seungkwan's portrait like this 😭
Goggle Wonwoo is trending in South Korea
be the sun is literally kpop's multiverse of madness. this concert will go down in history for being one of the concerts with the most celebrity attendees 🥲
Q. We're curious about Wonwoo's future, not the Wonwoo of SVT's hiphop team. 🐱: It's hard to talk about SVT and myself separately. I've been looking at this path since I was 16. As we went through contract renewal earlier this year, I thought..
when carats asked jeonghan if he would do ongdongi pangpang challenge, he just nodded and smiled 😭
you grew up too fast 🐯
It has been 9 years since this Scoups, Dokyeom, Jeonghan, Hoshi, Joshua, Woozi and Samuel. ❤️
somebody asked minghao if he can strip mingyu on the next stop and he answered: "do i even need to that to him when he takes it off himself??" 😭
a carat asked wonwoo what's his standard on what glasses he wears on a particular day and he said that he wears whatever is closest to the bed. he said that he once lost a clear rimmed glasses and he doesn't know where it is now because he misplaced it 😭
i think they're secretly scouting trainees amongst the audience because why are they making carats hit high notes and do dance breaks 😭
astro moonbin, baekho, shannon and bumzu came to be the sun concert ❤️
mingyu is freeeee
wonwoo sassy pose again!!
Dino and Vernon as Bioderma Korea's new brand ambassadors! #디노 #버논
"my butt" is trending no. 1 in south korea because of hoshi helpp 😭
before the prerecording started, the staff told seventeen to be careful because the stage is slippery due to a leak. then mingyu suddenly said, "it's an aju waterbomb~" and carats laughed. mingyu thanked them for laughing but wonwoo told carats to not laugh at stuff like that 😂