메타씨어터/ MetaTheater(@MetaTheaterLive)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

<リツイート&期待評イベント> 動画ツイートに「公演の期待評」とリツイートをしてくださった方のうち5名の方に本公演の「メタシアター視聴券」をプレゼントいたします。 詳細は画像をご確認ください。
<Retweet & Comment Event> For five participants who left an anticipation comment and retweeted the profile photoshoot video, tickets for the MetaTheater live performance will be given. Please check the image for details.
<Blue Helmet: A Song of Meissa> This is the Musical stars’ profile photoshoot! 『ブルーヘルメット:メイサの歌』 素敵な俳優たちのプロフィール撮影現場動画公開! Streaming Period: 22.05.04(Wed)-22.05.08(Sun) Ticket & Streaming: MetaTheater (MetaTheater.live)
뮤지컬 <태양의 노래 - 라이브 스트리밍> 4/26 (화) 2차 티켓 오픈! 자세한 사항은 하단 이미지를 확인해주세요 :) 티켓오픈: 2022.04.26 (화) 16:00 (KST) 오픈기간: 2022.05.17 (화) ~ 2022.05.29 (일) 티켓구매: Meta Theater (metatheater.live)
<Blue Helmet: A Song of Meissa> X MetaTheater The only chance you can meet the Future K-Pop Star Trio in real time at your home Don't miss it✨ #Musical #MusicalBLUEHELMET #MusicalASONGOFMEISSA #BLUEHELMET_ASONGOFMEISSA #Chanyeol #EXO #JangKiyong #Hyojin #J_US #ONF #MetaTheater
뮤지컬 <태양의 노래> 시츠프로브 기념 타임세일 안내! 2022년 화려하게 돌아온 뮤지컬 <태양의 노래>의 화려한 캐스트들을 최초로 만나볼 수 있는 시츠프로브 시간 동안 "메타씨어터 온라인 관람권 20%" 할인혜택을 제공합니다.(싱글 티켓 구매에 한함)
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> Lee Seungjun Enjoy this musical just like you watch a movie on MetaTheater Streaming Period: 22.05.04(Wed)-22.05.08(Sun) Ticket & Streaming: MetaTheater (MetaTheater.live)
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> Kim Hyojin Enjoy this musical just like you watch a movie on MetaTheater Streaming Period: 22.05.04(Wed)-22.05.08(Sun) Ticket & Streaming: MetaTheater (MetaTheater.live)
<Correction Notice> Due to a time notation error, the schedule of European Time Screening has been changed. ☑️21:00 KST -> 23:00 KST Please check the image for details.
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> Ticket Open! Streaming Period: 22.05.04(Wed)-22.05.08(Sun) Ticket & Streaming: MetaTheater (MetaTheater.live) ⬇️<Correction Notice>⬇️
『ブルーヘルメット:メイサの歌』チャンヨル メタシアターにて映画のようにお楽しみください! ■Ticket Open : 22.04.20(Wed) 16:00 KST ■Streaming Period: 22.05.04(Wed)-22.05.08(Sun) ■Ticket & Streaming: MetaTheater           MetaTheater.live
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> Jang Kiyong Enjoy this musical just like you watch a movie on MetaTheater Ticket Open : 22.04.20(Wed) 16:00 KST Streaming Period: 22.05.04(Wed)-22.05.08(Sun) Ticket & Streaming: MetaTheater (MetaTheater.live)
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> Park Chanyeol Enjoy this musical just like you watch a movie on MetaTheater Ticket Open : 22.04.20(Wed) 16:00 KST Streaming Period: 22.05.04(Wed)-22.05.08(Sun) Ticket & Streaming: MetaTheater (MetaTheater.live)
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> Highlight Viedo “I wish I could be someone’s star too” Streaming Period: 22.05.04(Wed)-22.05.08(Sun) Ticket Open : 22.04.20(Wed) 16:00 KST Ticket & Streaming: METATHEATER (MetaTheater.live)
뮤지컬 <태양의 노래> 시츠프로브 생중계 안내 뮤지컬 <태양의 노래>의 화려한 캐스트들이 함께하는 시츠프로브가 메타씨어터에서 온라인 생중계 됩니다! 일시 : 4월 25일 (월) 오후 8시 (KST)
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> Streaming Schedule INFO ▶️ nadam1.co.kr/movie/metathea… Streaming Period: 22.05.04-22.05.08 Ticket & Streaming: METATHEATER Ticket Open: 22.04.20 Ticket Price: $40 for Single Use Ticket, $160 for 5-Show Package Ticket, $280 for 10-Show Package Ticket
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> Character Photo “I wish I could be someone’s star too” Lee Jeong-hyuk: Lee Seungjun ▶️ (MetaTheater.live) Streaming Period: 22.05.04-22.05.08 Ticket & Streaming: METATHEATER
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> Character Photo “I wish I could be someone’s star too” Yoon Sun-ho: Kim Hyojin “No matter how hard and painful your life is, the power of art will give hope and dream to you.” ▶️ (MetaTheater.live)
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> Character Photo “I wish I could be someone’s star too” Laman: Park Chanyeol “The day when everything changed, I have my dream.” ▶️ (MetaTheater.live) Streaming Period: 22.05.04-22.05.08 Ticket & Streaming: METATHEATER
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> “I wish I could be someone’s star too” ▶️ (MetaTheater.live) Streaming Period: 22.05.04-22.05.08 Ticket: METATHEATER Streaming: METATHEATER
뮤지컬 <태양의 노래>와 원작 영화 <MIDNIGHT SUN>, 어떤 점이 같고 어떤 점이 다를까요? 지금 메타씨어터 포스트에서 확인하세요! naver.me/xGbtj5qo
<BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA> “I wish I could be someone’s star too” Starring K-pop Artists Park Chanyeol, Kim Hyojin-Lee Seungjun, and Actor Jang Kiyong ‘BLUE HELMET : A SONG OF MEISSA’ Meets Global Theater Performance Platform MetaTheater! ▶️ (MetaTheater.live)
뮤지컬 <태양의 노래> 4/5(화) 1차 티켓 오픈! 자세한 사항은 메타씨어터 공지를 확인하시기 바랍니다. 티켓 오픈 : 2022.04.05 16:00PM (KST) 오픈 기간 : 2022.05.03 - 2022.05.15 라이브 스트리밍 : 메타씨어터 (metatheater.live)
VOD Sales of 2021 "Midnight Sun" End D-DAY VOD Sales of the musical “Midnight Sun” will end at midnight tonight Please note the “Midnight Sun” on VOD is available for 7 days (168 hours) after the purchase. ▪TICKETS➡ metatheater.live