ATYstream | ATEEZ(@ATYstream)さんの人気ツイート(古い順)

[ ✉ ] ATINYs, we're looking for new staff members! Please fill in the form bellow if you're interested in being a part of ATYstream family! 🤗 ✎… #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
ATINYs, let's get to work! 🏃‍♀️ #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
We're back 🥺🤗
➠ '#Guerrilla' MV to 30M ➊ scener parties ➋ manual streaming lists ➌ use #GuerrillaTo30M ➍ goal: 30M in less than 30 days #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| ATEEZ is nominated on Idol Champ poll. If we win this poll we will get YouTube ads for 'Guerrilla' MV from 9/14-9/18! You can vote by using both red and blue chamisms! — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
ATINYs, please check if you are able to see #ATEEZ's 2019 MAMA performance on YouTube. Please let us know if you're able to find it or not!
On 9/3 #ATEEZ's '2019 MAMA - ATEEZ Best Performance Mash up + Wonderland' video has either been put under private/unlisted or removed from the Mnet K-POP YouTube page. Please bring the video back @MnetKR!
ATINYs please copy & paste!⚠️ @MnetKR please bring the '2019 MAMA - ATEEZ Best Performance Mash up + Wonderland' video back to YouTube! #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ @kqent
Now that so many ATINYs are on twitter, please go and watch 'Guerrilla' MV at least once. Remember our goal is to reach 30M in less than 30 days!… — 🌱 — #GuerrillaTo30M #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
⚠️Our daily increases of 'Guerrilla' MV have been in the range of 80 - 90k! Let's not repeat the same mistakes and lets focus on increasing the views daily. — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
⚠️⚠️MASS STREAMING #GuerrillaTo30M ⚠️⚠️ Our current daily increase is 86k, let's reach 100k before the day changes! #Guerrilla #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| 'Wonderland' MV has reached 110.8M views! 🥂 — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| ATEEZ is nominated on Idol Champ YT poll. If we win this poll we will get YouTube ads for 'Guerrilla' MV from 9/14-9/18! You can vote by using both red and blue chamisms! Let's win this ATINYs!🔥 — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| Only 2 members haven't reached their view goal on any of their individual content. #SEONGHWA MARS ASMR #1 - 430,251 [ 🎯500k ] #MINGI Minkiway #1 - 513,976 [ 🎯1M ] — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| 'Guerrilla' MV will reach 30M in 78 days with the current pace! — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| 'Guerrilla' MV has reached 23.9M views! 🥂 We're only 100k away from 24M! 🔥 — 🌸 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| Considering the MV is just a bit over 1 month old, our decrease in the daily views is really alarming!⚠️ Even if it's 1 view per day, make sure to watch the MV, it can make such a huge difference! 🎯100k/day #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| ATEEZ is nominated on Idol Champ YT poll. If we win this poll we will get YouTube ads for 'Guerrilla' MV from 9/14-9/18! You can vote by using both red and blue chamisms! Let's win this ATINYs!🔥 — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| 'UTOPIA' THE SHOW 220628 performance has reached 500k views! 🥂 — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| 'Guerrilla' MV is just 9k away from reaching 24M views! Spread the word and let's reach it quickly!… — 🌱 — #GuerrillaTo30M #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| ATEEZ is nominated on Idol Champ YT poll. If we win this poll we will get YouTube ads for 'Guerrilla' MV from 9/14-9/18! You can vote by using both red and blue chamisms! Let's win this ATINYs!🔥 — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| 'Guerrilla' MV reached 24.000.000 views! 💙✨️🔥 — 🌱 — #GuerrillaTo30M #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| Idol Champ poll for YouTube ads ends on 8th of September at 23:59 pm kst! Let's increase the gap ATINYs! 🔥 — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
📋| Even if it's 1 view per day, make sure to watch the MV, it can make such a huge difference! 🎯100k/day Make sure to vote on the Idol Champ poll so we can win ads for the MV! — 🌱 — #에이티즈@ATEEZofficial#エイティーズ#ATEEZ
[🏴‍☠️] #WhoWillBeTheWinner Friday - Sunday #Sector1 ⛓️vs #TheRing⭕️ Stream 'Guerrilla' MV + the designated audio! Who will be the winner? Scener parties: 9th = 10 - 12 am 10th = 2 - 4 am = 11 - 1 am 11th = 11 - 1 am #GuerrillaTo30M #에이티즈 @ATEEZofficial #ATEEZ