for j-hope⁷ on the street🦋(@jhopeNAVER)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Stream Arson and MORE! Views are falling! There’s only 3 days left of bb tracking for this week! Show some urgency, we need everyone to bring more energy to the tl!! 👏🏼👏🏼
Stream the teaser!!!! Let’s get views up!
Look at the increases from yesterdays streaming!! 🔥🔥🔥 We need to continuing streaming all the songs under j-hope’s profile to keep him on the Daily Artist chart! Keep using them as fillers for On the Street!
All “songs” from JITB have now surpassed 20 MILLION streams on Spotify! Only Intro, and Music Box : Reflection are left now! Please include them in some of your playlists! They’re only 1min long so they’re awesome fillers to use!
Hellooooo.. we need to push yt views. MORE is about to be out of the top 20..
GUYS WE ONLY HAVE 1 DAY AND 13 HOURS LEFT FOR THE BB TRACKING WEEK. Please focus and show energy for JITB! We need more ppl talking about it and spreading info on the tl!
🌎 Spotify Global Chart (3/13) #77(+6) on the street — 1,533,828 (+86,209) KEEP GOING!!! 🔥👏🏼👏🏼 We finally got an increase so let’s keep up the momentum! 🙌
🎉🎉 I’m looking forward to listening to #on_the_street, upcoming solo single by #jhope of @BTS_twt, which will be released this Friday, March 3rd!
Make sure to stream On the Street from the Today’s Top Hits playlist (only listen to ots)!!! This will help keep it on the pl longer! It’s sp largest playlist so it’s important we do everything we can to support ots! We dropped to #39(-9) this week🚨…
On the Street has now surpassed 19 MILLION views on YouTube!!!🎉🎉 Let’s get to 20M!!!!!🙏🏼
💙 Blue Side debuted with 222,161 streams! Make sure to add it to your playlists! 🔗… 🔗…
LETS GO! 400k til 6M!
GUYS! Yesterday, Jack in the Box only got 876,632 streams! There’s 10 tracks and the whole album is just 22min long. Let’s get it back over 1M. Play the album top to bottom!…
OTS Daily MV View Increase‼️ Day 1: +7,490,858 Day 2: +3,834,207 Day 3: +2,355,501 Day 4: +1,007,675 ** Total: 14,688,241 **12hrs left of day 4! Keep going!
Keep closing the gap 👏🏼🔥🔥 Let’s push to #2!!! Vote for OTS!!…
STREAM THE AUDIO ON YOUTUBE!! The views help with charts!!!!
🆘🆘🆘 We’re in 2nd now!!! We need to win this!! Please vote and share!!!…
MORE surpassed 133M today, Arson surpassed 109M, and OTS surpassed 29M!!🎉 Make sure you’re including these songs in all new playlists you’re making! Keep pushing MORE and Arson so we can get Hobi his first 200M milestone!
📰 NEW Naver Articles 1 2 3 4 5 🚨React with the 2nd emoji! More below 👇🏼👇🏼 #jhope #JackInTheBox @BTS_twt #jhope_Arson #jhope_MORE
3 MORE HOURS 😭 Make sure you’re streaming NOW! The tracking day has already started. We can get j-hope high on the bb Artist 100 chart!…
MORE and Arson mvs are out of top 20!! Increase streams on yt!🆘🆘
Help spread!!!! We only have 45 minutes left!!…
#2YearswithDynamite 🧨🎉🎉 Use this playlist to celebrate 2years with Dynamite while also helping stream #JackInTheBoxTo200M!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼…