Don’t forget to stream the audio as well! It’s currently at 879k views! Let’s get it to 1M! These views help with bb charts!
Daily View Increase: OTS Day 1: +7,490,858 Day 2: +3,834,207 (-3,656,651) Day 3: +2,355,501 (-1,478,706) Day 4: +1,602,455 (-753,046)🚨 Day 5: +507,910* Total: 15,790,931 *13 Hours left of day5 tracking!
Let’s get to 16M 😭🙏🏼
Spotify Top Artist Chart Day 1 #107 Day 2 #152 (-45) Day 3 #141 (+11) Day 4 #179 (-38)‼️🚨🚨🚨 we need to increase streams for ALL of the songs under j-hope’s Spotify profile! Add JITB, Hope World, CNS, and Blue Side to all your playlists!!! Let’s keep him in the top 200!!!
On the Street now appears at #3 on j.cole’s popular tracks on Spotify!!!!!😭🎉 Keep streaming!! This will give more visibility to the song to j.cole’s fans!! Let’s do our best to keep it in his top 5!!🫂
Just 460k until we hit 16M!!! Let’s go!!🔥 👉🏼
“On The Street” — US Spotify 🇺🇲 Day1: +703K Day2: +650K Day3: +480K Day4: +530K 🔥🔥 Let’s keep increasing!!🎉🎉🎉 Turn on a playlist ♡…
We’re on day 5 of tracking for #on_the_street ‼️‼️ Let’s get streams back up! Play these everyday! OTS Focus… OTS x JITB… 11HR~OTS… j-hope Goals… Daily j-hope…
hobi will attend the recording for “The Seasons - Jay Park’s Drive” on KBS-2 at 7PM KST!
On the Street (with J. Cole) has surpassed 15 MILLION views on YouTube! 🎉🎉🎉 Our goal is 20M for the first week! We need to increase streaming!💪 👉🏼
GUYS We need to increase MV views for ots. The views contribute to sns points. Let’s get him a music show win!!
#on_the_street now appears at #6 under J.Cole’s popular tracks in his Spotify Profile! Keep increasing streams and let’s get it in his top 5! It’d be great exposure for the song!
Remember to Shazam! We’re at 51k, let’s get more in!
Make sure you’re getting all your daily streams in to help us reach our goals for j-hope! This pl focuses on getting streams up for hobi’s top5 tracks on Spotify! This playlist has: 40x On the Street 20x MORE 20x Arson 20x Equal Sign 10x CNS 🔗…
OTS Daily MV View Increase‼️ Day 1: +7,490,858 Day 2: +3,834,207 Day 3: +2,355,501 Day 4: +1,007,675 ** Total: 14,688,241 **12hrs left of day 4! Keep going!
Remember that the audio views count for bb charts too! It’s at 735k views rn!
400k til 15M! 🚨👉🏼
UK??? BUY ON THE STREET! It’s currently at #8!!
On the Street- Spotify Unfiltered Day 1: 4,408,763 Day 2: 3,790,583 (-618,180)🔻 Day 3: 3,475,363 (-315,220)🔻🚨 Total: 11,674,799🎉 Let’s keep streams stable!! It’s the first tracking week so stream ots focused playlists!!
830k til we hit 15M!! Let’s goooo!! 👉🏼
If you can’t manually stream #on_the_street on yt, please at least put on a playlist! Convert the pl to a queue so views get added quicker by adding any video to the playlist!…
Spotify Top Artist Chart Day 1 #107 Day 2 #152 (-45) Day 3 #141 (+11)🔥🔥 we need to increase streams for all of the songs under j-hope’s Spotify profile in order to go up!! Add JITB, Hope World, CNS, and Blue Side to all your playlists!!! Let’s keep him in the top 200!!!
On the Street (with J. Cole) has surpassed 14 MILLION views on YouTube! Let’s get to 15M today!!!! 👉🏼
Just 207k til we hit 14M click and watch it really quick! 👉🏼