🐆 in my 20 years of living, this is the first time knowing about this (about the identical minutes in all timezones)
🐺 but you're not 20 years old
🐆 i'm 20
🐺 no you're not 20
🐆 the speaking style (jake hyung) always do
🐆 yooo what's good
🐺 when i was like that?
🐆 let's do a sleeping live (jokingly)
🐺🐆 we worked hard to day
🐆 what do you call a live that you do while you sleep? what is it called again?
🐺 should we try? can we do that here?
🐺 i think i need to sleep now
🐆 right. tomorrow we have a sched in LA.
yunki were so amazed that the minutes in all time zones are the same and only the hours are different. they said they just got to know about this now
<after the massage>
🐺🐆 that was refreshing.
🐆 swimming pool go?
🐺 in the morning?
🐆 we can do it
ni-ki said he gave a lot of massages during i land
🐺 after this live, i can sleep bc the bed is so comfortable
🐆 i wanna get a massage after this. should we give each other a massage?
🐺 right now?
🐺 age is not important in fashion
🐆 what should be the dress code in jpn concerts?
🐆 honestly i don't know what dress code is
🐺 dress code is like matching outfits, like clothes or colors when people gather around.
🐆 i just said "should i do the new thing challenge?" but it went up the trending list so i had no choice but do it 😂
🐆 jake hyung amd sunghoon hyung will do this challenge. please give it a lot of attention
🐺 don't say that i will be such a pressure. we have so many things to do. don't forward so much to it
🐆 they initally planned to film it before leaving korea
🐺 the hype became so big
🐆 I am also from Australia
🐺 you will be incharged with the japanese and i will be incharged with english.
🐆 ah really?
🐆 should i say something in english? thank you for coming (eng)... i cant to do it
🐺 you need to have confidence
thank you for coming today. is that right?
🐆 thank you for watching
🐆 im really practicing english really well.
🐺 he is practicing hard, he will improve soon
🐆 looking at jake hyung speaking english is so cool. if i can do english, i could speak 3 languages then
🐆 i had a chance to perform in yokohama arena a long time ago, it was so big.
🐆 since debut we only had online concerts. now we are doing concerts it still doesn't feel real
🐺 it's a relief
🐆 both days was fun. i did mistakes on stage so it was disappointing. doing pass the mic as an encore was really fun
🐺 that was ni-ki's idea. doing that was really fun, the reactions were so good too.
🐺 we still have 5 concerts to go. can i say this?
🐆 honestly, our concert for honda (the venue) was only originally for a day.
🐺 the company asked for our opinion if we can do another day. the was an opportunity to do for another day
🐺 grammy museum was really fun
🐺 "post a selca" i couldn't take one
🐆 should we take a picture now?
🐺 we should take a picture then upload it. doing it alone is pressuring