더 박스 the box(@thebox_movie)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

🔥<The BOX> DVD BOX SET finally revealed!🔥 From the Musicbuster ‘The BOX’ DVD to 100% remarkable goods! All prepared just for you🖐
※ 응모 주의사항 ※ - SNS 게시글 확인이 어려울 경우(비공개/일부공개), 당첨이 불가합니다. - 응모 폼 링크에 실물티켓(지류티켓 또는 포토티켓) 인증샷과 함께 모든 개인정보 항목을 입력해주셔야 응모가 완료됩니다. (모바일 티켓 캡쳐는 인정되지 않습니다.)
为了满足对《The Box》DVD BOX SET 粉丝们的好奇心~ 会有先行体验! 内含猛料哦?😘 在 @thebox_movie 9/17(周五) 12:00 KST开箱大公开� #朴灿烈 X #赵达焕 #THE BOX #DVD #Comingsoon 📦
당첨자 발표가 4월 7일(수)로 변경되었습니다. 양해부탁드립니다.
With the release of the movie <The Box> in Japan, the Japanese version of the OST is released 🖐 Enjoy the song that wasn't included in the original OST, "Oh-Juh-Chi-Go" #TheBox #kpop #OST
* Orders cannot be placed after preorder period, and only a confirmed quantity will be produced and released on November 25th. #Chanyeol X #Dalhwan #Thebox #DVD #Preorder 📦
* Preorder available at yes24.com / aladin.co.kr / kimchidvd.com * However, it is only released when the total order quantity is 10,000 or more.
[DVD BOX SET] 🎇DVD release confirmed! Thanks to all your love🎇 See you soon with a commentary recorded by the actors & the special MD🖐 Don’t miss your last chance to get the limited edition of the BOX SET!
<The BOX> DVD BOX SET presents unreleased video just for you! Check out more videos on the DVD! Are you all ready? 🔥Preorder starts tomorrow!!🔥 Preorder limited goods. Don’t miss this chance!
* Limited Edition Package List: Hard Case, Character Poster Board 2ea, Photo Film 2ea, Photo Magnet 4ea, Scenario & Continuity Book, Photo Book (unreleased photos) * Chinese and English subtitles included
✔ '더 박스' DVD ✔ 캐릭터 포스터 액자 2종 ✔ 지훈&민수 포토 필름 2종 (OST 미니 냉장고 박스 호홤) ✔ 포토 마그넷 4종 ✔ 시나리오 콘티북 (미공개 사진 포함) ✔ 포토북 (미공개 사진 구성)
* Commentary of the movie with voices of actors Park Chan-yeol & Cho Dal-hwan and the production team. * Preorder Date : 2021.09.24 AM09:00 ~ 2021.10.15 PM24:00 KST (3weeks) * Limited edition goods set only available during preorder period
The prize draw video with KTOWN4U will be released at 18:00 (KST) on November 11th. Please check out KTOWN4U and The Box YouTube channel. #Hello #THEBOX #MusicBuster #YangJungung #Chanyeol #Dalhwan
❣프리오더 기간 : 2021.09.24~2021.10.15 ❣프리오더는 예스24(yes24.com) / 알라딘(aladin.co.kr) / 김치DVD(kimchidvd.com)에서 가능합니다. #박찬열 X #조달환 #더박스 #DVD #Comingsoon 📦
* Commentary of the movie with voices of actors Park Chan-yeol & Cho Dal-hwan and the production team. * Limited edition goods set only available during preorder period #Chanyeol X #Dalhwan #Thebox #DVD #Preorder
It was indeed a very happy experience, a happy memory, and a happy work. Thank you.
* 프리오더 사이트 : - 예스24) yes24.com/Product/goods/… - 알라딘) aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.… - 김치DVD) kr.kimchidvd.com:444/kr/22551/v.kim…더%20박스 * 한정판 패키지 구성 리스트: 하드케이스, 캐릭터 포스터 액자 2종, 포토필름 2종, 포토마그넷 4종, 시나리오&콘티북, 포토북(미공개스틸)
* 朴灿烈, 赵达焕以及制作人员一起的语音解说 * 预售 期间内可以购买的周边限量版 #朴灿烈 X #赵达焕 #THEBOX #DVD #Preorder📦 [<The BOX> DVD BOX SET] Achieved 70% of quantity for production🙌 One special chance for the perfect package for you BOX Lovers, now and only.🖤
* Limited Edition Package List: Hard Case, Character Poster Board 2ea, Photo Film 2ea, Photo Magnet 4ea, Scenario & Continuity Book, Photo Book (unreleased photos) * Chinese and English subtitles included
※ 프리오더 이후 주문은 불가하며, 확정된 수량만 제작 후 11월 25일 출시됩니다. ※ 단, 총 주문수량이 10,000장 이상일 경우에 한하여 출시됩니다. #박찬열 X #조달환 #더박스 #DVD #9월24일_9시 #프리오더 #스타트 📦
KTOWN4U와 함께하는 경품추첨 영상은 11월 11일 18시에 공개예정입니다. KTOWN4U와 더박스 유튜브 채널에서 확인 바랍니다. #오랜만 #더박스 #뮤직버스터 #양정웅 #박찬열 #조달환
Korea's first Music-Buster <The Box>, Limited Edition Purple Color LP If you haven't order yet, now is your chance! 🔥 Search for ‘THE BOX’ on ‘Ktown4u’, ‘Kimchidvd’, ‘Synnara’, ‘Aladin’ and ‘Yes24’. #THEBOX #MusicBuster #LP