I suddenly sound like a different person today and I hope to revert back to my usual voice asap T-T
😷i accidentally dropped my voice somewhere 🥲 I sounded fine yesterday OTL
My voice has completely disappeared so it’s now corticosteroid time🙏😭
sleeping to keyboard asmr is heaven
Good morning ima die today
I mean IRyS and Shine!!! 😂😂😂
I survived today… barely. My throat is inflamed with severe laryngitis, and I had some very important off stream holo work today that could not wait so I had to force my voice out temporarily with special inhalers today😭😭😭
So, I’m gonna have to stick to complete vocal rest for a little while longer OTL So sorry for having to do this again guys, but it’s doctor’s orders! I need to allow my vocal cord swelling to go down so I can stream and sing again😷
When I can’t sleep I try to imagine the floor slowly slanting and dragging my body away but it’s not working tonight🫠
the silence is killing me
also confession but this is a keyboard you guys have never heard before btw
Yo a game?! and it’s … FREE?! 🤯✨ twitter.com/watsonameliaEN…
@tsunomakiwatame うおおおおおおうらやまぴいいいいいいいいい
Ive gone through camera through nose multiple times but camera through mouth/throat is a first😂 choked really hard & doctor was just like “relax ur muscles!!” While simultaneously still shoving the camera in omg that was an experience🥲
I got so much stuff I needed to get done a bit earlier than scheduled and I feel like I could fly from the weight of some of my responsibilities disappearing omg I really should do this more often
ceramic keycaps...interesting
I don't know if you guys are ready to see some IdolRyS?!✨💎I'll do my best to shine for this bright parade!!❤️ うおおおおおお輝け!IRyS!🙌 SPWN - virtual.spwn.jp/_events/230318… #ひろがるホロライブ
My voice is finally starting to return to normal…!!😭😭😭 and at last I see the liiiiiightttt ✨🫠
Your heart is mine❤️ みんなを虜にしちゃうぞ💕 #ひろがるホロライブ
@watsonameliaEN Here’s mine ❤️ヽ(・ω・`ヽ)
Gonna guerrilla stream in about 15 minutes👀