Aaa that was a lot of fun :D I think it was definitely a good match 👊Thank you so much for having me today!!🙌 いやあああああ今日めちゃくちゃ楽しかったです!ついついしゃべりすぎたかも…wと思いつつ時間があっという間でした!!ふー!!👏ありがとうございました!🥰 #たまアイリス
Been in bed all day today feeling nauseous😵‍💫 will get back to streaming soon once the nausea settles down though!!
feeling much better today so expect me to be at tomorrow's splatoon collab at 11AM JST 👀
omg gundam evolutions is so fun but its all in japanese because region aha
Tomorrow/today's plans💎 I will most likely be joining the minecraft collab in the morning & will be streaming my perspective for tomorrow's splatoon collab with JPs (Watame, Korone, & Koyori) at 10PM JST so come on over!! EN chat translations will be very much appreciated!!
💎Today's Stream💎 Full team splatoon wooooo~!! I'm ready Starting 10PM JST / 1PM GMT / 6AM PST
Splatoon is about the friends and bonds you make along the way😎スプラは楽しくて仲間と絆を深められて最高だな(/・ω・)/すんごい楽しかった!!#ホロスプラ部
💎Today's Stream💎 Extreme robot riding #IRyShow Starting 12PM JST / 3AM GMT / 8PM PST
Might be about 15-20 minutes late for stream😂 waiting for my painkillers to kick in to relieve headache first!…
gundam is too fun ohnoez
💎Today's Stream💎 MegamanX4 finale?! how will this end? #IRyShow Starting 11AM JST / 2AM GMT / 7PM PST
💎Today's Stream💎 We're finally doing it guys!! Elytra Hunting!! #IRyShow Starting 1PM JST / 4AM GMT / 9PM PST
That was wild! I love being carried!! Thank you kaela, kronii, and lui and everyone for watching our elytra adventure!! #IRyShow
Just watched Hathaway and now i want to ride a gundam again
💎Today's Stream💎 More extreme robot riding and destroying #iryshow Starting 10AM JST / 1AM GMT / 6PM PST
Was gonna tweet about my positive reactions to pop team epic b-side but I’m so sleepy and my neck hurts from lying down on my stomach(¦3[▓▓]