Thank you for coming to today's valentine's drive date CARaoke! :D I HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE! It was a happy ending for almost everyone💕 besides the fact that we were never able to reach the magical land💔 HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! #IRyShow
It’s Valentine’s Day and here I am making gyoza for my grandma🥟 😀 chocolate is for noobs😎
@hakosbaelz 私の愛は海より深いのだ🌊My love can be deeper than the sea❤️
Dead tired from family meeting and grave visiting_(:3」∠) maybe being chased by a relative’s hyper poodles was what got me 😂
fedex said my keyboard was estimated to arrive on the 15th 😟 why does life have to be so cruel
💎Today's Stream💎 Let's make some progresso soup in hard mode #IRyShow Starting 12:30PM JST / 3:30AM GMT / 7:30PM PT ↓↓↓↓↓
the keyboard...has arrived😍🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
💎Today's Stream💎 Guerrilla GTAV because the thocc is too much for me to process without going wild #iryshow Starting 12:30PM JST / 3:30AM GMT / 7:30PM PT ↓↓↓↓↓
💎Collab Stream💎 Finishing our tango with Reine! #IRyShow Starting 10PM JST / 1PM GMT / 5AM PT ↓↓↓↓↓
I don’t want to do laundry🥺 it’s such a pain… how can I make this more enjoyable… Twitter space?😎
games with friends made my day
💎Upcoming Members Only Stream💎 Catching up with the Nephamily and hanging out! #IRyShow Starting 1PM JST / 4AM GMT / 8PM PT ↓↓↓↓↓
💎Today's Stream💎 UNARCHIVED CAR DATE CARAOKE💕I sing, you drive! REBROADCAST! Come on by so you don't miss out on the last chance for an experience you will not forget! #IRyShow Starting 1PM JST / 4AM GMT / 8PM PT ↓↓↓↓↓
this ended up not being just a rebroadcast lmao…
thank you for coming to my caraoke rebroadcast :D who knew we could enjoy the same stream twice but with a slight twist?! lol xD Hope you guys liked it! #IRyShow
Jazz washes away all my worries💕…
💎Today's Stream💎 Hope on Patrol #IRyShow Starting 1PM JST / 4AM GMT / 8PM PT ↓↓↓↓↓