My voice is so off today, probably because I yelled and screamed into the mic too much yesterday lmao😂Will be looking through at all the stuff I received today while doing some recording I have to get done😌But I will see you all soonRyS!! ❤️
インタビューで沢山の質問に答えて情報盛りだくさんだよ!!というかパパのサイン色紙?!?!欲しい!!!わしにくれーー!!!!🙃 i answered a lot of questions in this interview!! But I want to add that I want that shikishi give it to me or else🤯…
This year’s hopey birthday was such a wild ride!!!🎉 Thank you so so much for celebrating this special day with me and for all the lovely presents you guys have all prepared🥰❤️ I’m the luckiest Nephilim alive to have such amazing fans as you guys!! I love you😭💕 #HopeyBirthday
Sorry for the long wait;;; STARTING NOW…
Starting in about 10 minutes!!!AAA i hope things go smoothly😳 #HopeyBirthday #IRyShow…
🎊💎BIRTHDAY STREAM💎🎊 #HopeyBirthday to me!! Let's get this party started!😎#iryshow Starting 12PM JST / 3AM GMT / 7PM PST ↓↓↓↓↓…
Omg hope Ill be able to receive the paper copy of it sooner this time!! Thank you so much always😭💕 Cant wait to read through it all!✨…
Have been doing my best setting up for stream tomorrow but I am planning on doing a short countdown birthday space a bit before 12AM JST!! #Hopeybirthday :D😎🎉
Got the final drafts for my ton of new member emotes and they are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE IMA DIE #HopeyBirthday
What do you guys think of #HopeyBirthday as my Birthday hashtag for tomorrow? 🎉🎈;D
💎Today's Stream💎 I was actually a hitman in my past life #IRyShow Starting 1PM JST / 4AM GMT / 8PM PST ↓↓↓↓↓…
Wow that’s one huge beautiful IRyS truck🤯😍😳🚛and it’s gonna be running around Shibuya?! Thank you so so much for doing so much to celebrate my upcoming birthday guys🥰💕✨I love you guys!!!❤️…
Today was another very fun day with girls✨☺️💕
March has a lot of stuff incoming!! 😎 First off my Birthday🎁💎, and then HoloFes!!!!! 🙌🎊🎉 #ひろがるホロライブ
💎Today's Stream💎 IRyS Defense Force!! wait nvm that sounds like I'm a part of my own defense force #IRyShow Starting 12PM JST / 3AM GMT / 7PM PST ↓↓↓↓↓…
💎Today's Members Only Stream💎 Laugh at dumb jokes with me in today's Monty Python Watchalong! #IRyShow Starting 12PM JST / 3AM GMT / 7PM PST ↓↓↓↓↓…
just ran out of dicord nitro and discovered how sad I am that I can't use exclusive emojis across servers and messages
happy not birthday mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!✨…