29th December, Thursday 9pm KST TVing "Island" #아일랜드 Special Show on Naver Now #ChaEunwoo, Kim Namgil, Lee Dahee, Sung Joon Live Stream ▶️now.naver.com/l/1741271 #ASTRO #아스트로 #차은우 #チャウヌ #車銀優 #ชาอึนอู @offclASTRO
#MOONBIN_SANHA 3rd Mini Album #INCENSE POPUP STORE 🇯🇵 13 - 22 January ▼Photo set 3 pc (total 9 types) ▼A5 clear file (total 3 types) ▼Button badge (total 5 types) ▼Zip Pouch (Black/Blue) ▼Tote Bag ▼Mini Collect Book ▼Masking Tape Set of 2 ▼Acrylic Keychain (#문빈 #산하)
#ASTRO #MOONBIN_SANHA #INCENSE in <Showterview with Sunmi> next Thursday 5th January, 6pm KST teaser at the end of this video ▶️youtu.be/fjSRZ1a3X30 #아스트로 #문빈_산하 #INCENSE #MOONBIN #SANHA #문빈 #산하 @offclASTRO
#ASTRO #MOONBIN_SANHA in <Youngjin's Health Center> next Thursday 5th January, 7pm KST teaser at the end of this video ▶️youtu.be/9dr2ZorSNGk #아스트로 #문빈_산하 #INCENSE #MOONBIN #SANHA #문빈 #산하 @offclASTRO
#ChaEunwoo has recently decided to renew his contract with Fantagio. Other members of #ASTRO are currently discussing contract renewals. 🔗news.jtbc.co.kr/article/articl… #아스트로 #차은우 #チャウヌ #車銀優 #ชาอึนอู @offclASTRO
#ASTRO #JINJIN #CHAEUNWOO #MOONBIN #YOONSANHA have renewed their contracts with Fantagio. Fantagio is discussing in depth with #ROCKY & #MJ who is in enlistment, will be discussed after being discharged 🔗newsen.com/news_view.php?… #아스트로 #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하
#ASTRO #MOONBIN_SANHA in <LUCKY OPPA> next Friday 6th January, 7pm KST teaser at the end of this video ▶️youtu.be/DeNFjOfef-I #아스트로 #문빈_산하 #INCENSE #MOONBIN #SANHA #문빈 #산하 @offclASTRO
#ASTRO 31st December, Sat #Moonbin #YoonSanha in Fuji TV "Run for Money" "逃走中 ~大晦日 6時間45分SP お台場大決戦〜" 17:00 - 23:45 JST Live Stream (🇯🇵 VPN required) ▶️tver.jp/live/simul/lem… Youtube live starts at 23:00 JST ▶️youtu.be/DoT7U2u9l9k #아스트로 #문빈 #윤산하
Confident Area [Speed & Decisiveness] Won many gold medals at ISAC in Korea. I'm the type to take action once I want to do sth. I'd like to actively cooperate with the members & act flexibly according to the situation! [Use of prize $] Mitsuya Cider (my favorite Japanese drink)
Confident Area [Luck] As I'm writing this, I think I'm just lucky... I'll believe in my luck... I want to run till the end but I'm scared... I'm afraid that I'll surrender halfway though... [Use of prize $] I want to use the prize $ to travel in Japan & to hostel with my family!
#MOONBIN X #YOONSANHA X YOO TAE YANG X KIM YOHAN - Love Killa, 2022MBC가요대제전 221231 ▶️ youtu.be/axxiNSb0NQQ #ASTRO #아스트로 #문빈 #산하 @offclASTRO
Japan Fan Club 230101 HAPPY NEW YEAR 💜🐇2023🐇💜 Here are the New Year's 🎍 wallpaper 💌 to AROHAs who always support us ♪ ❄️ It's an original design with member's hand-drawn illustration of a rabbit and a message! **Arohas, Happy New Year 💖** ⬇️
Happy New Year ~! v.v 2022年,ロハのおかげで 幸せでした。 2023年もASTROがいっぱい幸せにしであげます! ジンジン Happy New Year ~! v.v In 2022, I was happy thanks to Roha ASTRO will make you happy in 2023 as well! Jinjin
ロハ! 2023年 明けましておめでとうございます! 2023年もけんこうで幸せいっぱいの 1年になりますように! 一緒に幸せになろう♥ ~ウヌ~ Roha! Happy New Year 2023! May 2023 be a healthy and happy year! Let's be happy together ♥ ~Eunwoo~
2023年 Happy New Year! あけおめ! ことよろ口ハ! 1年とても 早いですね... 今年は たくさん会いたいな >v< ムンビン 2023 Happy New Year! Happy New Year! All the best Roha! A year goes by so fast... I want to meet you a lot this year >v< Moonbin
2023 Happy New Year!! 2022年はどんな1年でしたか? さむいからかぜに気をつけて、 2023年もがんばりましょう! 2023 Happy New Year!! What kind of year was 2022? Take care and not to catch a cold, Let's do our best in 2023! Rocky
ロハ〜! 明けまして おめでとう ございます! 今年も たくさん 笑いましょう! 笑う門には サナ来たう!! 2023年も Fighting! Roha~! Happy New Year! Let's smile a lot this year too! When there's smile, Sanha will come!! 2023 also Fighting!
230104 Melon Music Story: #ASTRO #MOONBIN_SANHA #INCENSE "Madness" Jacket shooting site 🔗melon.com/musicstory/inf… *click the link for more photos #아스트로 #문빈_산하 #MOONBIN #SANHA #문빈 #산하 @offclASTRO
[🎬Full ver.] #아스트로 #문빈_산하 #ASTRO #MOONBIN_SANHA 'Madness'(매드니스) Showcase 쇼케이스 풀영상 (41:11) (with English Subtitle) ▶ youtu.be/W-rz9zb06-c #INCENSE #MOONBIN #SANHA #문빈 #산하 @offclASTRO
#ASTRO #MOONBIN_SANHA #INCENSE Bugs 7pm KST 45 Madness 64 Perfumer 85 Your day 89 Chup Chup 93 이끌려 #아스트로 #문빈_산하 #MOONBIN #SANHA #문빈 #산하 @offclASTRO
#ASTRO #MOONBIN_SANHA #INCENSE topped the Worldwide iTunes Album Chart with no.1 in 18 countries "Madness" is no. 36 in Worldwide iTunes Single Chart with no. 1 in 8 countries 🔗naver.me/xfRCrqIm #아스트로 #문빈_산하 #MOONBIN #SANHA #문빈 #산하 @offclASTRO
#ASTRO #MOONBIN will appear on SBS 꼬리에 꼬리를 무는 그날 이야기 (Story of the Day When You Bite Your Tail) on 12th January, Thursday at 10:30PM KST #아스트로 #문빈 #MOONBIN #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน @offclASTRO
2023 January Boy Group Brand Reputation Ranking 9th #ASTRO Data collected: 7 Dec 2022 - 7 Jan 2022 1 BTS 2 NCT 3 SEVENTEEN 4 Super Junior 5 EXO 6 Stray Kids 7 THE BOYZ 8 BTOB 9 #아스트로 10 BIGBANG 🔗brikorea.com/bbs/board.php?… #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 @offclASTRO