#ASTRO behind story of Fan Sign in the magazine, Haru Hana Vol. 64 Members talk about words describe "I LOVE YOU" & encouraging words for New Year. Phrases like "I will do anything for you" make our hearts full. #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로 #アストロ
#ASTRO #Moonbin #YoonSanha will perform on the main stage of 2022 INK Incheon Kpop Concert on 1st October, Saturday 7pm KST 🔗inkconcert.com Live Streaming ▶️youtube.com/c/ALLTHEKPOP #아스트로 #문빈 #윤산하 @offclASTRO
Latest update #KNOCK 📣 The non-stop back ordering for #ASTRO #GATEWAY by Arohas in China has exceeded CNY 110,000 (KRW 19.12 million) ~ 1750 albums 💜 Great Job Arohas 👍 🔗m.weibo.cn/5698410799/450… #널찾아가 #아스트로 #アストロ #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 twitter.com/Astro_EW330/st…
#ASTRO #MJ ‘유별나! 문셰프’ OST Part 3 ‘봄날애(愛)’💜 🌸"Spring Day (Love)" *literal trans* Please support!!! 💕 #엠제이 #김명준 #エムジェイ #金明俊 #아스트로 #アストロ
To: AROHA 💜 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!! 💙❤️🧡 Let's be together as well in 2020!💕 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 From #ASTRO #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro *Christmas card 💌 from Japan Fan Club to Arohas
#ASTRO Haru*Hana Vol. 40 (Feb & Mar 2017) [Translation] Group Interview about #아스트로 being MC at Kang On Fighting! 🔗youtu.be/an9tCnnnpAs (one of the episodes with English subtitle) #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
#ASTRO coming schedule Oct 5 Gangnam Fest Oct 6 SBS SuperCon Oct 9 Jinan Fest Oct 12 SBS K-Pop Power Con Samsung Card "홀가분 마켓" (Eunwoo) Oct 19 BOF K-Pop Con (OT5) #차은우 fan meet.. Nov 1 UniCon #진진 #엠제이 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
As of 23:00 on 2019.11.20 in BUGS #41 Blue Flame #93 찬바람 불 때면 (When the Wind Blows) Fighting Arohas! #블루플레임 #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO
Radio HITS Radio FM Yokohama 190414 Introduce the member next to you in Japanese Jinjin: Sanha is the youngest, he's really cute Sanha: Rocky is the best dancer Rocky: I think Bin is sexy, cute & cool #花咲ケミライ #ASTRO @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
[TRAN] #ASTRO members profile at @TOWER_Shibuya I found it funny yet to the point and want to share with Arohas #ASTRO_JAPAN_DEBUT #花咲ケミライ #Venus #アストロ #아스트로 @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
💜Jin-ah, I want to say u r a great leader, great idol, great singer, great rapper, great dancer, great producer, u r amazing! Fighting! Do whatever u like, don't feel regretful in life! AROHA support u 🐶huhuhu, Thank u so much for ur kind words! I'll work as hard as AROHA said!
#ASTRO Interview with Milk Magazine HK. Sorry about the quality of pic. I try to translate so international Arohas can have fun reading as well. It may not be perfect. 😄 #ASTROADinHK #아스트로 @offclASTRO
In #ASTRO Ok Ready our 1, 2, 3, 4 words are 꿈, 희망, 가능성, 할수있어 Dream, Hope, Possibility, You can do it After 4 yrs, our words become 꿈, 희망, #아로하#아스트로💜 To my beautiful boys Forever is a heavy word As long as you need our support, "I'll Be There" @offclASTRO
This is hilarious 🤣 Poor Arohas 💜 We request to have private singing lesson and now I think for fan chant as well from #ASTRO, especially Teacher Moon Bin who always thinks our beat and pitch are off. 🎤 #アストロ #아스트로 @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro twitter.com/bffkmj/status/…
#아스트로 ~ K-POP Pia Vol. 4 (Summer 2018) [Translation] Report on 2018-19 #ASTRO Live Tour “ASTROAD II” in Japan Thank you for working hard for AROHAs. 🌟 Let's stay together for a long long time. 💕 #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
Production Company Snow Entertainment said "#ASTRO #MJ gave off passionate energy throughout recording. All the staff were able to enjoy the work. We ask for ur love & support for "봄날애(愛)" which contains #김명준's energy & bright charms."💜 #아스트로 🔗xportsnews.com/?ac=article_vi…
#ASTRO 191101 Unicon Concert Full Video 01:10 전화해 (ALL NIGHT) 05:15 니가불어와 (CRAZY SEXY COOL) 08:40 talk 20:40 BABY 24:15 붙잡았어야 해 (AGAIN) #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro 🎞️project BK youtube.com/watch?v=0vOZZt…
Handsome Tigers 핸섬타이거즈 is launching their official products. Total 6 types: water bottles, metal pin, phone case, grip talk, tee, tote bag, grip talk. 🔗skstoa.com/goods-search/p…핸섬타이거즈&suggestSearch=N #ChaEunwoo #차은우 #ウヌ #車銀優 #ชาอึนอู #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ
#ASTRO 19 October (all in kst) 19:00 Busan One Asia Festival OT5 20:00 #Eunwoo HK fanmeet 21:15 KBS2 Battle Trip #Moonbin 24:00 XtvN Ultimate Watchlist of Latest Trend 2 #문빈 00:05 BOF Concert broadcast at KBS2 #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO
[TRANS] #ASTRO #CHAEUNWOO Interview Hanryu Pia June 2019 #아스트로 work extremely hard to show AROHA the best they have Let's support them in their activity as idol, actor, producer, choreographer, composer, musician #차은우 #車銀優 #チャウヌ #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
After the broadcast of Ssireum in 2019 ISAC Chuseok Special, real time search ranking: DAUM cr. kkajjigaayop #몬빈 No.1 #아스트로 No.5 Twitter cr. ASTRO_TMI_ #MoonBin No.8 #ASTRO No.9 Bin, u r no.1 in real time search & it's not a dream. 🥰 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
Beside #GATEWAY behind the scene photos, there is also video of #아스트로 #널찾아가 MV Making. Remember to check 💜 #ASTRO #Knock MV Making Film (5"18) 🔗melon.com/musicstory/inf…