#ASTRO #GATEWAY Japan Tower Records Pre-Order Daily Chart 200504 1st Gateway: 7th Mini Album (ANOTHER WORLD Ver.) 2nd Gateway: 7th Mini Album (TIME TRAVELER Ver.) Congratulations! 🎊🎉 #널찾아가 #KNOCK #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로 #アストロ
#아스트로 #JINJIN Weibo 200316 Everyone!! Really thank you so much for celebrating my birthday on March 15 ㅠㅠ Today I am the happiest person Going forward I will be the #ASTRO leader who can repay ur love I love you ~~❤️ #진진 #朴真祐 #ジンジン #アストロ m.weibo.cn/7357910691/448…
Dinner, I ate a delicious curry beef steak!! Sometimes I want to eat curry. hehehe It looks delicious, right?? Would you like to have a bite too, Roha~~? End the day with exercise! It may be a little bit difficult to keep doing it, but after all it feels good to exercise! 😊 ⬇️
2020 January Brand Reputation Rankings for Individual Boy Group Members 3rd #ChaEunwoo #차은우 100th #Moonbin #문빈 (2 months hiatus) Congratulations!💕 Data collected from 2019 Dec 10 to 2020 Jan 11 🔗futurekorea.co.kr/news/articleVi… #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
#ASTRO in Kmet Festival in Bangkok 20191214 Full Video🎞️ 0:26 Blue Flame 3:50 Greeting 7:00 When the Wind Blows 10:25 You’re My World 14:35 Talk 22:25 All Night 27:00 Confession #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로 @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro youtu.be/RAjfwHUoItY
The book #우리의_무대는_계속될_거야 is published #ASTRO #Moonbin I think people's mind & body can change a lot because of small difference in thoughts. The difference between "can" & "can't" determines whether I can have tremendous momentum or not. #문빈 🔗instagram.com/p/CBum_JBFebB
#ASTRO #ChaEunwoo BRTC 🎞️ Trans: Hello! This is #차은우. It’s my pleasure & I’m excited to meet u with BRTC. Look forward to meet u all thru BRTC in China. I’ll work hard to show a better side of me in the future. China fans pls continue to support me!
2020 #ASTRO Live on WWW. June 28, Sunday 3pm kst Running time: 100 minutes ※ Pre-sale of fan club: KRW 20,000 6/16 12:00 ~ 6/17 23:59 ※ General reservation: KRW 27,000 6/18 09:00 ~ 6/27 23:59 ※ Same-day booking: KRW 32,000 6/28 09:00~ all VAT included 🔗ticket.melon.com/csoon/detail.h…
[TRANS] #ASTRO Interview ~ SUDSAPDA Thailand 2019 June Issue Translation Credit @llezmall Photo Credit #Sudsapda Thailand สุดสัปดาห์ ~ Members' Interview to be continued ~ #アストロ #아스트로 #อาสโทร @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
#JINJIN Vlive (ft #YoonSanha voice) Great Job Today AROHA 😍 with English subtitle #진진 #ジンジン #朴真祐 #จินจิน #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro *as promised, will work on those two vlive in 2019* vlive.tv/video/177337
#ASTRO ~ Haru*Hana Vol. 39 [Translation] 2016.12 & 2017.01 (Part 1 ~ Q&A) Which member will you.. talk to; eat with; borrow clothes from; go to amusement park / island; study Japanese with 🥰 #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
FULL MOON✨ #MoonBin's time as in #ASTRO and as an actor, like manga character. Which side of him would he want to be remembered by his fans? by Vogue Korea May 2020 #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro 🔗instagram.com/p/B_ev9cBn9nn/…
2020 February Brand Reputation Rankings for Individual Boy Group Members 2nd #ChaEunwoo #차은우 Congratulations! 🎊🎉 Data collected from 2020 January 13 to February 14 🔗rekorea.net/bbs/board.php?… #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ
#산하 ◆About appearing in "逃走中" which will be broadcast on NY Eve "I've always wanted to appear on a Japanese variety show when I study Japanese. It's such an honor to be able to perform! And I think it's even more meaningful that it'll be broadcast on the last day of 2022!"
Arohas, pls start collecting points in SORIBADA Daily login gives 10 pts. With 770 pts we can download 1 song for free in the app. Not all can get stream pass in Melon / pay to dl, we can try this to download the title track in next comeback. Download counts more than stream.💪
#문빈 ◆about the show I was a little nervous 'coz it's my 1st time appearing on 🇯🇵 variety show, but it's a lot of fun! ◆what do u want ppl to see about u? I want u to see the spirit of trying to survive until the end & the way we try to speak in Japanese even if it's not good!
GaOn Weekly (2020.05.03 ~ 2020.05.09) Album Chart No. 1 #ASTRO #GATEWAY 🔗naver.me/52gC2JFO Download Chart No. 8 #아스트로 #Knock Digital Chart No. 129 ASTRO Knock So many 1st in this comeback Digital is always our weakest part but we managed to advance little by little
#ASTRO 7th MINI ALBUM #GATEWAY Start your Korean Tour Together with ASTRO on K-star Road *looking for Jinjin's one, our leader nim. 🥰 Cr: @ soap_0126330, starrylunabin #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로 #アストロ #널찾아가 #KNOCK
It is indeed not a dream. #ASTRO whole #GATEWAY album chart in MeLon, SORIBADA, Genie, BUGS. 전곡 차트 It is a big achievement for #아스트로. Arohas have worked very hard. Let's keep streaming. Enjoy this comeback and please stay healthy! 💜
KBS World K-クリック #ASTRO Interview Part 1 Q: After a long absence in K-クリック! How are you ~? 🐶It's been a long time since we had interview in Japan. A long absence in K-クリック. Last time we had gesture game. It was fun. I'm glad we come again.
They are talking about their English name 😂🤣 Bin: Jerry Rocky: Philip Eunwoo: Felix Sanha: Chris Jinjin: Steve MJ: Sebastian??? (no one believe) From his English teacher Mr Kim 😂🤣
#ASTRO in Ray March 2020 issue (release on Jan 23) [Translation] WEB interview What's #아스트로? 🐥Carbonated water. We'll refresh ur mind, when u r tired from work / study💜 🔗ray-web.jp/53846?page=1 #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
KBS World Kクリック #ASTRO 🐺🐶as trees with the wind blows 🐥It's snowing! Is Beautiful What do u want to eat? Wagyu beef? Nice Wanna eat? Let's go We eat & go shopping & watch movie 🐺Falling down... 🐥Well then. Bye Bye #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO