🐶 #ASTRO appear in Classy Aug issue 🐱 there are special photos & interview only for Classy 🐺with lots of our charms 🐥 Pls remember to check our 3rd full album #Drive_to_the_Starry_Road 🐮 Really lots of good songs, pls check #아스트로 #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 twitter.com/classy_online/…
#ASTRO #GATEWAY 7 May (Thur) [Watch Live] 2pm #아스트로 SBS Power FM Cultwo Show 📌aqstream.com/sbspf/SBS-Powe… 📌aqstream.com/sbspf/SBS-Powe… 6pm Man who grills meat Ep.2-2 (#JINJIN #MJ) 📌youtube.com/channel/UCWshm… 9pm #아스트로 Hidden Track 2 #KNOCK on Seezn App 📌bit.ly/hiddentrack2
#ASTRO #ROROHA KOOKOO #쿠쿠 #クク Lucky 7 at heart DDUDDU #뚜뚜 #トゥトゥ Hat with palm print NOONNOO #눈누 #ヌンヌ Sparkling eye NYANNYA #냔냐 #ニャンニャ Overflowing love WOOAH #우아 #ウア Always with AROHA PPUPPU #뿌뿌 #プップ Captain badge @offclROROHA @jp_offclROROHA
#아스트로 in SPUR.JP [Translation] Behind the scene comments from the crews 💜 🔗spur.hpplus.jp/magazine/topic… Transcript of video #ASTRO ROMANCE | SPECIAL MOVIE ⬇️ 🔗youtu.be/kqMtovGT4bE #GATEWAY #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #アストロ #널찾아가 #KNOCK
Weibo #ASTRO #MOONBIN 201010 [Translation] Is everyone doing okay? Until the day we meet, please do well everyday, and fill your days with happiness only! 💜 ​​​​ 🔗m.weibo.cn/7361027547/455… #아스트로 #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #アストロ
#인어왕자 #문빈 "The Mermaid Prince" #Moonbin is trending at Naver today No. 2 spot under "Entertainment and Sports" category #문빈 #ムンビン #文彬 #มุนบิน #ASTRO #아스트로 #アストロ
#ASTRO #REFUGE #MOONBIN_SANHA_WHO #MOONBIN_SANHA interview with Rolling Stone Japan 220325 (English Trans) 🔗rollingstonejapan.com/articles/detai… **11 web interview and we got 7 so far. 💜 Plus 3 Japanese magazines (1 in March & 2 in April) #아스트로 #MOONBIN #문빈 #SANHA #산하 @offclASTRO
Hanryu Pia March 2020 issue [Translation] #ASTRO Interview Part 1 ~ career graph drawing 💜 ~ personal Q&A on graduation 🎓 & 1st day of school 🎒 #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로 #アストロ
Weibo YiZhiYu #아스트로 200605 [Translation] Wanna Be Your Star! Hello everyone, we’re #ASTRO #Moonbin #YoonSanha Not long ago we comeback with new album #GATEWAY And we’ve good news for everyone In order to meet with China Arohas we prepare online fan sign on June 20th ⬇️ tbc
Bin's Diary 200624 Good morning Aroha❤️ Let's start a good day with me, Moonbin Good morning everyone~ I started my morning drinking 헛게수 I had a schedule today so I went to the salon! The photo looks great How about Aroha?? How's your photo? (talk about photo's composition)⬇️
#ASTRO in Weibo SohuKorea 搜狐韩娱 200509 #아스트로 Random Dance More to be coming soon... #널찾아가 #KNOCK #GATEWAY @offclASTRO 🔗weibo.com/tv/v/J17sn0HRx… twitter.com/aprilyuen/stat…
#ASTRO #Moonbin in FoodAvengers 2020 Korea's 1st Zero Waste restaurant ~ Food Advengers Restaurant Grand Open on June 2nd Tue Full of ideas from the best chefs - chance to experience the dishes & service of luxury celebrity crew! 🔗naver.me/xDY35rO5 instagram.com/p/CAn4MGRpBjO/…
Dear rohas, it's my & @glitteroha's b-day today, do u mind leaving # in reply Let's enjoy their performance & support our 🌟 who brighten our days #ASTRO | #MOONBIN_SANHA | #IN_OUT | #아스트로 | #문빈_산하 | #BadIdea | #배드아이디어 | #AROHA | #여섯개의별 | #아스트로의하나뿐인팬
#ASTRO #MOONBIN #SANHA 🇯🇵「美ST ONLINE」Interview 220324 (English Trans) 🔗be-story.jp/article/105083 - talk about their beauty secret, what kind of beauty items they carry in their bags, tips on make-up... #아스트로 #REFUGE #MOONBIN_SANHA #문빈 #산하 #MOONBIN_SANHA_WHO @offclASTRO
1番好きな人にサヨナラを言おう 未来の僕が現れて 何とかやってると教えて欲しい 君が居なくなったその世界でも 君が幸せならそれでいい 僕がそうしてあげたかったけど 君が幸せならそれでいい 悲しいよ寂しいよ苦しいよ 行かないで行かないで声にならない 振り向いて振り向いて声に出来ない #문빈
#ASTRO #MJ #JINJIN "The Man Who Grill Meat" Preview 고기를 꾸워주는 남자. 고꾸남!🥩 April 30, Thursday 6pm kst Youtube channel 제리컴퍼니 🔗youtube.com/channel/UCWshm… #엠제이 #エムジェイ #金明俊 #เอ็มเจ #진진 #ジンジン #朴真祐 #จินจิน #아스트로 #アストロ @offclASTRO @jp_offclastro
News1 series "I am a leader" #ASTRO leader #JINJIN [Part 2] Translation on Q&A only ~ about 4th anniversary, #아스트로 members, Bin's hiatus, happiest moment & attractive part of #アストロ, leader's dream, future plan... #진진 #ジンジン #朴真祐 #จินจิน 🔗naver.me/GnT1Xnul
#ASTRO #MJ received his birthday messages from Japan fan club with drawings, photos & messages. "Japan Aroha sent me lots of cards as presents this year. Thank you very much! Wish u all like the songs in #GATEWAY a lot. 💜 Everyone, pls take good care till the day we meet again."