Pancake DADA(@dada_pancake)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

I think everyone knows the current situation in Myanmar. Today's violence is very ugly. In today's case, beatings, shootings and arrests were violently suppressed to the point of bloodshed. We strongly condemn such acts of violence and strongly oppose it in a democratic way.
RIP Mya Thwe Thwe Khaing 19 years old Protester was shot in the head with a real bullet at Nay Pyi Daw #SaveMyanmar #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #RejectMyanmarMilitaryCoup
Military soldier (wearing police uniform) from Mandalay used catapult to strike peaceful protesting people at Central Bank. Now you can see who is starting violence!!! WE ARE NOT SAFE @freya_cole @UN @UNHumanRights @UN_HRC #Feb15Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
polices and soldiers just grabbed whoever they want to and took peaceful protesters to jail. He was one of the victim, whom was taken by polices this afternoon in Mandalay. #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb15Coup
Military juntas were violating peaceful protesters in Mandalay. Source: Irrawaddy and other witnesses #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
Polices and military were hitting peaceful protesters in Mandalay ! Just happened now! Many protesters got injured! Source: #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
Several NLD members are trapped inside of the NLD’s building. the building is still surrounded by military and lots of civilians are demonstrating outside to release them NOW! In Yangon, Myanmar. #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #NLD
NLD office in Yangon is being surrounded by polices and military now!! #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar
Check the video !! It is next to star city, Yangon! WHO SHOT THIS FIRE ? #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar
An “unofficial” announcement just came out by military government that all internet must be cut off from 1AM to 9 AM tonight. We,civilians have no idea what it is for but a tank came in the city this evening and now lots of soldiers came in to the city. #WhatisHappeningInMaynmar
A military tank car was driving around by military soldier in the city of Yangon this evening. Civilians are frightened by this movement of soldier. #WhatisHappeningInMaynmar #militarycoupinMyanmar #Day14Coup
Mothers are carrying their kids and standing under the sun while peacefully protesting for democracy & justice for their generation for hours with fulls of hopes and sadness at the same time in their eyes in Myanmar. Day14 @UN_HRC #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
This is happening inn Myanmar. We stand with Daw Aung San Su Kyi . #Westandwithaungsansuukyi #WhatishappeninginMyamar #RejectTheMilitaryCoup
Inmates, who were released by military dictators were jumping over the fences and came in to resident’s building with knives in their hands to harm the civilians at night in Yangon, Myanmar. Where is safety? Civilians have to look after each other. @UN_HRC #WhatHappeningInMyanmar
This is seriously really happening in Myanmar!! Release inmates and arrest innocent civilians. @UN_HRC #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyamar #MyanmarMilitaryarrestCDMdoctors #HumanRightsViolations #against_the_military
He was injected with unknown medicine by a soldier, who asked him to fire the hotel in Myanmar. The military are doing what they can to frighten civilian with their powers and guns. Now they’r using under-aged child to do this. (Another video added)
A CRIME OF CHILD ABUSE HAD BEEN DONE BY MILITARY IN MYANMAR TODAY! (Full story at comment) #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #Childabuse #against_the_military #Save_Myanmar
@freya_cole The military just announced 1) they can arrest without warrants;2) they can search the houses without the presence of the ward administrative officer; 3)they can track people down; 4) they can seek for information from the operators;5) they can detain people for more than 24 hrs
illegitimate law :1) they can arrest without warrants;2) they can search the houses without the presence of the ward administrative officer; 3)they can track people down; 4) they can seek for information from the operators; 5) can detain people for more than 24 hours.@UN_HRC
The sadness, hopelessness, and devastated feeling in their eyes 😢. Police and military in Myanmar have been forcefully arresting protesting civilians. Where is democracy in Myanmar now? We, people just want to live under justice and peace. @UN_HRC #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
Release our leaders right now ! Respect our votes! We need democracy! We don’t want dictatorship! @UN_HRC #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #RejectTheMilitaryCoup #ReleaseOurLeaders #WeNeedDemocraycy
Over 220 Political Activists, Elected Government Officials, Union Election Committee members, even People in CivilServices such as teachers, doctors who are doing CDM on Military Juntas been forcefully arrested without warrant at night. @UN_HRC #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar #CDM
Myanmar Military and Polices have been conducting illegal arrests with armed force without warrent every late night. And now it've been over 220 people. STOP NIGHT ARRESTS 国民に理由なし逮捕はやめれ! #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyammar #RejectMilitaryCoup