INTO1 🌐 INA Fanbase (close)(@INTO1INA)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

210501 Nine and AK Go Fridge recording
D-1 till the final! Good luck everyone 🥺❤️
210527 INTO1腾讯扫楼 ©️ 零肆贰肆·INTO1
Aww 🥺 this is cute look at how they reacted backstage when Mika, Nine, Patrick, Zhang Xingte and Yu Gengyin were singing "Unbreakable Love"
INTO1 group pictures ❤️
The Group: 《Be mine》 Mika, Caelan, Lin Mo, Lelush, Zhang Jiayuan, Xue Bayi, Wu Yuheng, Fu Sichao 《定义》 Bo Yuan, Hiroto, Gan Wangxing, Zhang Xingte, Zhang Xinyao, Ren Yinpeng, Yu Gengyin, Amu, Hu Yetao 《少年的模样》 Liu Yu, Santa, Riki, Patrick, Nine, Zhou Keyu, AK, Oscar
Santa and Nine after R1SE concert ©️士多啤梨姐
The trainees receive a very heartwarming message from their family 💗
210426 Zhou Keyu ©️Lookingatyou°周柯宇
大家好!我们是 INTO1!
He Yifan mentioning Boyuan: 603 is waiting you to come home ❤️ 😭🥺😭🥺 Cuteeee
Rikimaru, Linmo and Patrick for Piaget
Chuang21 episode 7 Preview 😭
《INTO1》part 1
Another cuties ❤️
INTO1's reaction when watching 黄牛打架 👀
14 students that will go to fanmeeting om the 9th of April 1. Zhou Keyu 2. Santa 3. Rikimaru 4. Liu Yu 5. Oscar 6. Mika 7. Patrick 8. Lin Mo 9. Bo Yuan 10. Zhang Jiayuan 11. Gan Wangxing 12. Hiroto 13. Caelan 14. Nine
210521 Rehearsal Patrick ©️Affogato 1020-尹浩宇
Boyuan was asked to promote something that's he's good at but not known by people. Boyuan : when I came to Chuang, I've ever cook for everyone, so later on dormitories lifez if there's a chance I would like to cook for everyone.
210426 Nine 🛫 ©️Siesta0711°高卿尘
LOL! Liuyu ever thought that the group name will be 软糖少年 😂 (soft candy boys?) LOL! Liuyu pernah mikir nama group nya bakal jadi 软糖少年 😂 (cowok permen lembek?) sugus kali 😂
Zhou Keyu after R1SE Concert ©️b412号夜照明
Rikimaru, Linmo and Patrick for Piaget
210513 Liuyu and Santa for YSL
210503 Rikimaru IG Update: Teman 405