INTO1 🌐 INA Fanbase (close)(@INTO1INA)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

Liuyu sharing room with Zhou Keyu Patrick and Nine got single room
Perfect Diary update with Liu Yu
210507 FigaroHommes Update - Linmo
INTO1 Official Weibo Update : Rikimaru
Today's fanmeeting (6 April) is for the top 3 who won QQM vote: Santa, Riki, Mika. The next fanmeeting (9 April) is for the top 14: Zhou Keyu, Santa, Riki, Liuyu, Oscar, Mika, Patrick, Lin Mo, Boyuan, Zhang Jiayuan, Gan Wangxing, Hiroto, Caelan, Nine.
210504 SHA ✈️ Linmo ©️VeuxSept1221 |林墨
Gentle Monster update with #INTO1 SHALL WE
210507 FigaroHommes Update - Mika
210507 FigaroHommes Update - Rikimaru
One thing that I found warm, Deng Chao laoshi always mention every single name of the eliminated trainees on his weibo post. It feels that they are not only laoshi and student but also a big family 💙
Atelier Cologne update with Patrick
Poor Nine 🥺 He said “I can’t eat, so I will just smell it” I think this was because he said he wanna go on a diet 🥺🥺 Nine bilang 🥺 “Aku gak boleh makan, jadinya cuman bs cium baunya aja” Ini gara2 dia bilang dia mau diet kliatannya 🥺🥺
Senior Meng Meiqi Weibo Update with 冒险计划 group
🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉 INTO1 will be participating in Novae Games (said to record on 29th of May) Lelush, Caelan, Wu Yuheng, Oscar& Hu Yetao are also said to participate 😍 INTO1 akab mengikuti Super Novae Games (kt nya tgl 29 Mei) Lelush, Caelan, Wu Yuheng, Oscar, Hu Yetao ktnya ikut jg
210505 Go to work Zhou Keyu ©️LostStars-周柯宇
#Chuang2021Final Hu Yetao Solo《怪美的》
210530 Patrick weibo update
210503 Oscar weibo update sama INTO1 Akhirnya ketemu juga sama anak edan-ku
Tomorrow (20 April 2021) there will be Happy Camp livestream with CHUANG 2021 students at 12 PM <3
210608 Liuyu weibo update
210508 Patrick IG Story Update
I find this cute 🤣
Nine: Gak boleh lewat, ngobrol sama akub Liuyu: tinggiin dikit lagib AK: Nine fleksibilitas nya oke kok Nine: sakit! Nine: You can't pass, talk with me Liuyu: make it higher a bit AK: Nine's has good flexibility Nine: that's hurt!