210425 Patrick Weibo update
210425 Zhou Keyu Weibo Update
INTO1's pop-up @ 快手
Welcome to INTO1‘s Wonderland ❤️
Mereka bungkuk 90 derajat ke fans habis keluar dari dorm 🥺❤️ 90 degree bow to fans after they came out from the dorm 🥺❤️
Chuang Officials Weibo update LET ME CRY 😭😭❤️ MIMIN MAU NANGISSSS!!! 😭😭❤️ 宝贝们我爱你们!!!
Welcome INTO1 to the Waji family~ twitter.com/INTO1INA/statu…
INTO1 Schedule: 26 April: Photoshoot 28 April: Liuyu Live (brand promotion) 29 April: Liuyu (brand event)
210425 INTO1 Officials Weibo Update
- Patrick - Zhou Keyu - AK Liuzhang
- Nine - Linmo - Boyuan - Zhang Jiayuan
INTO1 Press Conference Photo - Liuyu - Santa - Rikimaru - Mika
🍉🍉 Resources pertama INTO1, mereka bakal ikutan Super Novae Games, bulan Mei rekaman ❤️ 🍉🍉 INTO1 1st resource, they will go to Super Novae Games, recording on May ❤️
You can listen to INTO1's song 《INTO1》at QQ music: c.y.qq.com/base/fcgi-bin/… Kalian bisa dengerin lagu INTO1 《INTO1》di QQ music: c.y.qq.com/base/fcgi-bin/…
INTO1 Members Weibo Update: Liuyu: Halo semuanya, aku member INTO1 Liuyu, Welcome to INTO1‘s Wonderland! Santa: Halo semuanya, aku member INTO1 Santa, Welcome to INTO1‘s Wonderland! Rikimaru: Halo semuanya, aku member INTO1 Rikimaru, Welcome to INTO1‘s Wonderland!
Chunzhen update with INTO1 Congratulations! INTO1 is now become the brand spokesperson of Chunzhen!
Perfect Diary update with #LiuYu Congratulations Liu Yu for being the spokesperson of Perfect Diary 💌
Boyuan was asked to promote something that's he's good at but not known by people. Boyuan : when I came to Chuang, I've ever cook for everyone, so later on dormitories lifez if there's a chance I would like to cook for everyone.
INTO1 group pictures ❤️
Official weibo account: INTO1官博 🖇 weibo.com/u/7594386977
LOL! Liuyu ever thought that the group name will be 软糖少年 😂 (soft candy boys?) LOL! Liuyu pernah mikir nama group nya bakal jadi 软糖少年 😂 (cowok permen lembek?) sugus kali 😂
First introduction as group ❤️
Pres Conference with INTO1
INTO1 first press conference