210509 Santa Weibo Update INTO1 di ruang latihan
210605 腾讯看点娱乐 update with INTO1
Fil小白 (one of the guess for Piaget Live) Weibo Update with Rikimaru, Linmo and Patrick
Help?! OMG? 😂😂😂 Boyuan challenge was to praise or say something that's very very good and this happened 😂😂😂
210503 Linmo @ Live today Imitating the voices from the game
Santa, Rikimaru sama Nine sudah ubah nama IG mereka, mari kita liat apa member lain juga ikutan:) Santa, Rikimaru and Nine changed their instagram ID, let's see if the other members follow :)
210430 Boyuan Weibo Update Hari hujan ☔ suasana hati baik (good mood)
210512 Rikimaru ©️力丸°Romanticplanet
Congratulations for your 2nd MVP in a row 🥰
210607 INTO1 official weibo update for Vlogumentary vol. 06
210514 Patrick Weibo Update : Selamat pagi! @/Rikimaru kamu lagi ngapain? Hahahah
INTO1 Official Weibo Update
210428 Zhou Keyu Weibo Update : Summer July💥
Tomorrow (20 April 2021) there will be Happy Camp livestream with CHUANG 2021 students at 12 PM <3
Senior Ju Jingyi weibo update with 输入法打可爱按第五 group
210429 Nine Weibo Update: ❤️🌤
210503 AK Weibo Update: Ya (lagipula)... Jangan suruh aku megang hape itu bener sih
纯甄 weibo update
210505 AK Weibo Update
Liuyu and Linmo will in game event (LIVE) together at 4th of May 8PM China time Liuyu dan Linmo bakal ikutan acara game LIVE tanggal 4 Mei jam 19.00 WIB
Rikimaru for Piaget
210521 Viya'S Carnival Patrick ©️Wunderwelt|尹浩宇