I’m actually really glad AA didn’t hop on so that this moment in time could exist🤣 twitter.com/money_penny59/…
Interesting move
A hedge with a company holding a pretty large amount of metals makes sense w/ current market
Gonna dig tonight, but AA and execs must’ve seen something here that differentiates HYMC from other metals companies
ATTA BOI twitter.com/CEOAdam/status…
Ken Griffin: “payment for order flow is a cost to me”
Also Ken Griffin: twitter.com/dlauer/status/…
The writing is on the wall and there will probably still be some overleveraged margin calls / halting / fuckery that takes place twitter.com/WetDirtKurt/st…
If the shoe fits 🤷🏽♂️😂 twitter.com/EdMoonJams/sta…
It brings me a lot of joy to know that GME is still being talked about the way it is more than a year after the fact twitter.com/Ryan__Rigg/sta…
“We suspended the market . . . from the point at which the LME no longer believed that prices reflected the underlying physical market”
No. The physical market determined that price point. You suspended trading to cover big money, but you won’t say that twitter.com/humenm/status/…
Really makes you go HMMMMMM twitter.com/unusual_whales…
Hey @GaryGensler - I’d like to invite you to a civil conversation on YouTube regarding market regulation
I think a conversation geared towards retail, away from MSM, would go a long ways for reestablishing the trust in the markets you’re looking for
Hope to hear back
Donald Trump went on the @nelkboys to talk about Putin and Russia over MSM
That’s actually insane
MSM is dying and I’m here for it
Market rallies & $AMC#AMCrts ripping faces
Bears don’t have much more uncertainty to ride on Amy and a list of other small cap companies
You really can’t make this shit up 😂 twitter.com/ParikPatelCFA/…
When ball is enforced but congress isn’t you gotta problem twitter.com/AdamSchefter/s…
I believe #AMC and a good handful of other small / mid / “meme” names will start popping more consistently when the Russian situation has concluded
Uncertainty = bears kingdom
Take away the uncertainty, and shorts will start covering
The bottom is forming
Google it
Gorge it
Shorts smell
Shorts haven’t covered yet twitter.com/CEOAdam/status…
Bad bet to bank on for these guys twitter.com/unusual_whales…
2004 Citadel: "PFOF is bad, ban it"
2022 Citadel: "PFOF helps market efficiency"
Citadel 15 years ago: "Crypto is bad"
Citadel today: "We were wrong, we want to market make crypto"
.... Are we really about to watch history repeat itself?
@CGasparino ...... There are literally no lendable shares right now, i.e., a situation in which synthetic shares can be created
Get off your high horse and quit pretending like market manipulation and illegality isn't what the market runs on, goofy meatball
I’m in. twitter.com/dlauer/status/…
“Kenny Griffin is the #1 contributor to the Republican Party in 2021 - contributions worth roughly $28M”
@DavidMichery Hey man - I recently made a video about your company because I think it's being very blatantly targeted. If you'd be interested in chatting, please hit my DM's because this is pretty outrageous
Context if you're interested - be well
All the change in the world can happen, but none of it will matter if there aren't REAL consequences for those who cheat the market
This comes down to enforcement and politicians affecting change twitter.com/GaryGensler/st…
Lemme tell you, @TheProblem was damn solid
The simplicity in the way Jon & others deliver the corruption, imbalance, and failures of the market was impressive
Stock market = a casino where cheaters don’t get kicked out
Let that sink in