xiaojun’s response to 💬 asking for spoilers for his cover 😭😭
“do you guys really enjoy a life without surprises like that? a life without surprises… is not truly living. and me personally, i love giving surprises”
unexpected wise words 🥹 okay junjun we won’t anymore !!
xiaojun was talking about how he’s really raised bella since young, bit by bit and now it’s 3 years 🥺 xiaojun voice “she’s already 3… she’ll be around with me for another 10 years or so then… wow…”
I’M SOBBING…. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
HELPP xiaojun’s imitating how bella will scream super loudly whenever she sees someone pass by the practice room 😭😭
*to innocent bella* “you know that’s how you scream, right? why are you looking at me like that?”
xiaojun says it’s super loud and shocking, he’ll be focusing- twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
“ok i am making an announcement. from tomorrow i will be officially posting my 18 grid challenge! 😂😂😂 it’s going to be so difficult you guys, do you have any suggestions as to what i should post, it’s so hard i’ve never done anything like this before 🥲” twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
xiaojun’s answer to why he chose hendery as the funniest member
“he asks me to call him baby”
😭❓❗️❓❗️ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
xiaojun voice “um… yeah i think she’s taller than me” 😅😂 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
oh how fast the night changes 😭💗 happy birthday to our one and only princess bella~
xiaojun sang a snippet of nmixx’s dice which he previously mentioned he really enjoyed 😭💗 the little hand motions twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
💚 i’ve been busy at work recently, can you say smth to cheer me up
🦄 jiayou! jiayou! you’re busy at work… it’s ok! our company is also really busy right now! *bursts into laughter*
💚 with what 😭
🦄 um…
HENDERY ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
HELPP context: last time op asked hendery to recommend her a partner, and hd said jaehyun
💚 and so today i brought a special guest.. close your eyes and don’t peep!! *imitates jaehyun voice* hello hendery
🦄 (🤣🤣) omg hello! hello hyung!
💚 (jaehyun-mode) i’ll be off first,- twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
HELPPP op said today they came to apologise and xiaojun was like *confused puppy* why? and op admitted during the thailand departure they were the one who shouted XIAOJUN really loudly and shocked him 😭
🦕 *sudden realisation* HAHAHA IT WAS YOUUUU twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
omg xiaojun’s getting his myopia surgically corrected tomorrow 😭😭
op: it’s bella’s birthday tomorrow, will you do a birthday live with her?
🦕 oh no i don’t think so, because i’ll be geting my eye surgery tomorrow
💚 i don’t wanna put makeup on (before the call) next time, it takes too much time
🦕 are you not wearing it now? 😯
💚 i mean next time!
🦕 ahh then don’t! anyway we’re so familiar with eo!
💚 u haven’t seen me barefaced! i might be unrecognisable 🤣
🦕 i’ll DEFINITELY recognise twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
op asked whether xiaojun has received the copyright for the song cover he was talking about
“yes i received it, in fact i will be recording this sunday”
HELP his expression when he realised he may have revealed a little too much(?) 😭😭 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
op asked yangyang how he got to know the boyz eric!
“i can’t reveal this right now but in the future you guys will know (👀❓), in the beginning we met once or twice and then we slowly got closer with each other!” twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
hendery 💗 choices CANTO ver
“why break up suddenly? i still rly like u. give me a chance to explain? did i do anything wrong? please tell me, i’ll change asap. if it’s bc i’m too busy with work & spend less time with u, i’ll change that”
“wow i fell in love with myself” 😭 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
HELP op asked abt the backstory behind this pic hendery posted of his coffee strapped up behind the seatbelt
🦄 🤣 there was a cupholder in the car but it was small, there was a risk of the drink falling out. and if i just left it on the seat it would topple. so i did that 😭 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
BUNNY JUNJUN 🐰 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…