
xiaojun will be replacing cravity’s minhee and will be hosting the show along with existing MCs ateez yeosang and kep1er chaehyun ❗️ XIAOJUN WEEKLY EMPLOYMENT 😭😭😭😭
aaa op’s friend met hendery today and received cotton candy 😭 TMI he smells super nice and had lots to say, they talked for nearly 5mins on the street! he was flaunting all of the stuff he bought and wanted to gift them some so he gave the cotton candy… and because they-
xiaojun’s response to 💬 asking for spoilers for his cover 😭😭 “do you guys really enjoy a life without surprises like that? a life without surprises… is not truly living. and me personally, i love giving surprises” unexpected wise words 🥹 okay junjun we won’t anymore !!
xiaojun was talking about how he’s really raised bella since young, bit by bit and now it’s 3 years 🥺 xiaojun voice “she’s already 3… she’ll be around with me for another 10 years or so then… wow…” I’M SOBBING…. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
HELPP xiaojun’s imitating how bella will scream super loudly whenever she sees someone pass by the practice room 😭😭 *to innocent bella* “you know that’s how you scream, right? why are you looking at me like that?” xiaojun says it’s super loud and shocking, he’ll be focusing- twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
“ok i am making an announcement. from tomorrow i will be officially posting my 18 grid challenge! 😂😂😂 it’s going to be so difficult you guys, do you have any suggestions as to what i should post, it’s so hard i’ve never done anything like this before 🥲” twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
xiaojun’s answer to why he chose hendery as the funniest member “he asks me to call him baby” 😭❓❗️❓❗️ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
xiaojun voice “um… yeah i think she’s taller than me” 😅😂 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
junjun bubble 🥹 ‘the eye surgery was a success, rest assured 😌’ ‘i didn’t look (at my socials) the whole day, which is why i just posted today’ ‘was also busy the previous day so bella’s at school, we didn’t manage to celebrate her birthday’ ‘her cake was already bought haha’
xiaojun’s eyelashes 😵‍💫💫😵‍💫💫😵‍💫💫 cr. A急单收购莞丝花
awww xiaohenyang took pictures with haechan’s 4 photo strip 💗💗💗
as long as there’s a mirror, xiaojun will be sure to leave his mark 😭💗💗💗 saur sweet “beautiful!” “be yourself, be beautiful” “pretty~ pretty~”
oh how fast the night changes 😭💗 happy birthday to our one and only princess bella~ #HAPPYBELLADAY
xiaojun sang a snippet of nmixx’s dice which he previously mentioned he really enjoyed 😭💗 the little hand motions twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
💚 i’ve been busy at work recently, can you say smth to cheer me up 🦄 jiayou! jiayou! you’re busy at work… it’s ok! our company is also really busy right now! *bursts into laughter* 💚 with what 😭 🦄 um… HENDERY ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
HELPP context: last time op asked hendery to recommend her a partner, and hd said jaehyun 💚 and so today i brought a special guest.. close your eyes and don’t peep!! *imitates jaehyun voice* hello hendery 🦄 (🤣🤣) omg hello! hello hyung! 💚 (jaehyun-mode) i’ll be off first,- twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
HELPPP op said today they came to apologise and xiaojun was like *confused puppy* why? and op admitted during the thailand departure they were the one who shouted XIAOJUN really loudly and shocked him 😭 🦕 *sudden realisation* HAHAHA IT WAS YOUUUU twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
omg xiaojun’s getting his myopia surgically corrected tomorrow 😭😭 op: it’s bella’s birthday tomorrow, will you do a birthday live with her? 🦕 oh no i don’t think so, because i’ll be geting my eye surgery tomorrow
💚 i don’t wanna put makeup on (before the call) next time, it takes too much time 🦕 are you not wearing it now? 😯 💚 i mean next time! 🦕 ahh then don’t! anyway we’re so familiar with eo! 💚 u haven’t seen me barefaced! i might be unrecognisable 🤣 🦕 i’ll DEFINITELY recognise twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
op asked whether xiaojun has received the copyright for the song cover he was talking about “yes i received it, in fact i will be recording this sunday” HELP his expression when he realised he may have revealed a little too much(?) 😭😭 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
op asked yangyang how he got to know the boyz eric! “i can’t reveal this right now but in the future you guys will know (👀❓), in the beginning we met once or twice and then we slowly got closer with each other!” twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
hendery 💗 choices CANTO ver “why break up suddenly? i still rly like u. give me a chance to explain? did i do anything wrong? please tell me, i’ll change asap. if it’s bc i’m too busy with work & spend less time with u, i’ll change that” “wow i fell in love with myself” 😭 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
HELP op asked abt the backstory behind this pic hendery posted of his coffee strapped up behind the seatbelt 🦄 🤣 there was a cupholder in the car but it was small, there was a risk of the drink falling out. and if i just left it on the seat it would topple. so i did that 😭 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…