xiaojun's live just reached 3mil viewers!
speaking of which… here xiaojun actually shared that for the entire 1 month in preparation for the performance today, in order to protect his throat he refrained from spicy foods, only ate salad and drank lots of water… which is why he lost so much weight, esp in the 520 live-
xiaojun caressing the director’s face to prove his point that it’s natural he’s embarrassed bc his members are touching him ?? okay 😭
wayv’s simple joys
🐑 having a meal after practicing together
🐻 practicing tgt, reliving the experience of working as a team, and the satisfaction of monitoring their practice video afterward
🦖 recently we’re in the same room more often (why are the rest of them laughing)-
“ok i am making an announcement. from tomorrow i will be officially posting my 18 grid challenge! 😂😂😂 it’s going to be so difficult you guys, do you have any suggestions as to what i should post, it’s so hard i’ve never done anything like this before 🥲” twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
xiaojun is so ANNOYING 😭😭😭
💚 congrats on becoming the show mc!
🦕 *acting shocked and confused like he didn’t know the news yet* huh ????
💚 *internal panicking* what❓❗️
🦕 *finally breaks character* hehe jk thank you~~ twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
yangyang said xiaojun cried first, and then kun cried and the way kun cried was like this *imitates explosive crying* 😭 and then i myself couldn’t hold it anymore so i kept wiping my tears away with my hands like this
xiaoten buttslap 😭😭😭
‘everyone happy mother’s day! most importantly, happy mother’s day to my mom ❤️ although i haven’t been able to spend the past few mothers days with you, but thanks for everything you’ve done for me! no amount of words can express better than “i love you mom” #lovelettertomom’
OMFG HELP xiaojun was talking about how until now he hasn't found a foolproof way to ends lives. all of a sudden hendery's mic starts having "problems". hendery voice "wait, i think my mic is problematic. guess its time to go." xiaojun voice "wait, this tactic?- CUTS OFF" 😭😭
xiaojun said now with ten, with all 5 of them dancing together he'll have more strength, he says its because when ten is there he's usually always watching ten dance because he can learn more from him
they made kun do a live seller-esque promotion for phantom
🐻 want it for $1000?! want it for $500?! want it for $199?!
all: hey 199 is a bit… pls up the $ 🤣
🐻 why aren’t y’all turning *senses something amiss*
all: it’s funnier to let kun-ge deal with awkwardness alone LOL
hendery read a comment talking about xiaojun's zodiac year and the rest were like isn't it YOUR year too? and yy talked about how they've got the same style and xj got all angery worked up saying YEP YEP he's the one who copied hd's style! members are like he's so cute like this
to xiaojun: imitate leon and bella’s characteristic expressions
🦕 : imitates leon
all : looks alike! what about bella
🦕 : i AM bella herself we look 100% alike !!
have 30 seconds of yangyang pleading for someone to say something to save him from the awkwardness, xiaojun saying no and yangyang resorting to… aegyo? 😭
🦕: when i sing korean songs, i’ll always write down the lyrics from start to end. though it’s hard work, bc i’m a foreigner, there are syllables i struggle to say clearly.
sh: 🦕 did so well he surprised me, every word is so clearly enunciated. 🦕 earnestly studies how to best-
“if it’s possible to get yangyang in 3 steps, what 3 steps?”
🐑 : first you must ask if my parents are willing. then you must ask for my opinion. third…
🐱 : ask for your geges opinions
🐑 : ah yes you must ask for my beloved geges opinions
🦄 : to get yy, you go through US !