220219 🐰💬 [ENG] NY: i haven't painted my lips yet 🤪 twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
220507 🍑💬 MM: This color, just for today ㅋㅋ twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
220208🦌💬 TZ: I'm done with work~ twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
220506 🦌💬 TZ: [y/n] are you awake~~? I will (do my) 💅 after eating breakfast TZ: 🥛+🥐 TZ: [y/n] too have a nice day~!🤍 twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
220217 🐰💬 NY: She kept saying it's not spicy and will only be spicy if you keep eating. But I kept eating and didn't feel spicy and only feeling full,, Jeongyeon-ah it's really not spicy,, twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221020 🐰💬 NY: Hi ㅎ NY: It's our 7th anniversary ㅎㅎㅎㅎ twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
220417 🍓💬 CY: I'm doing quarantine but I forgot my laptop and didn't bring it...last time I left my wallet CY: all the time CY: I forgot CY: one thing CY: can't help it CY: well it's okay CY: heoheoheo twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
220228 🤍💬 DH: It’s 5:18AM here DH: I was very very sleepy after finishing the concert but DH: I have to wake up in 2 hours anyway.. twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
220518 🐰💬 [ENG] NY: See you on 'the late show' tonight 🤭🤭 twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
220423 🦄💬 JH: Today I took photos diligently ><! twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
220815 🤍💬 DH: We already filmed the MV two months ago!! DH: ☺️ DH: ㅎㅎ twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
220527 🦄💬 6:57PM KST JH: we went arcade..escape room too..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ JH: the funny thing is yesterday JH: after waking up I watched JeongDub date2 JH: and Jeongyeonie gave me a video call JH: but she was at the exact spot in Date2ㅋㅋㅋso funny JH: that dining tableㅋㅋ twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221224 🐶💬 JY: There are ONCEs who guessed it right ㅎㅎ The right answer was guesting in Psy sunbaenim’s concert~~♡♡
220320 🦌💬 5:01PM KST TZ: Butter sleeping so cutely.. twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
220624 🐰💬 NY: Who wants to do live together~~ twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
220518 🤍💬 DH: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋAhri so cuteㅠㅠㅠ DH: Thumbnail was made so prettily that I've saved it❤️❤️ twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
230120 🦄💬 JH: I went to Thailand! I didn’t think I would get caught JH: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
220516 🤍💬 DH: I think I was able to spend a happy May because of our ONCE..🤍 DH: Our ONCEs who are so sweet.. DH: And thank you to the ONCE who filmed this twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
220303 🤍💬 DH: This picture looks so cool so i saved it DH: Unbelievable…👍 DH: B*bble~ B*bble~ (T/N Unbelie’vable’ part is written same as b*bble in korean) twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
220525 🐹💬 SN: i was signed out of bubble, now only I'm sending 🥺 SN: now only I'm unpacking my luggage.... ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ SN: because of the time difference I thought what would be good to do outside
220131 🍑💬 MM: I got what Nayeon unnie made as a gift 🥺💗 MM: It’s so delicious..😋 twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
221025 🦄📸 Jihyo has changed her profile picture.
220807 🐰💬 NY: Actually I wanted to watch the concert while I keep dancing at the back with Momo in ITZY con(cert) NY: It was tough to control (myself) NY: CEO was beside me ㅎ NY: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
220303 🦄💬 JH: Did you see my friend in it?!!! JH: Truthfully this is the first drama Sejeong is in that I'm properly watching from the beginning ㅎ (Sorry)ㅎ JH: She's so good tho?!! twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221106 🐰💬 NY: TWICE preparing for the meeting ㅋㅋㅋ twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…