221107 🦄💬 👤: Should I buy a new pair of sneakers? JH: Buy!!! It's good to buy presents for yourself twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: Who prefers Park Jyo in long hair!!!! JH: I want to grow it too but I can't hold back, sorry.. JH: I said I'd grow it, but the person talking is fickle Park Jyo.. twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: Shall I make this as my pfp? JH: And I also cut a bit of my hair JH: My mom told me to grow out my hair right away ㅎ twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 👤: I can't see at all. Don't hide it JH: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Yea don't be serious JH: 😝 twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: Yea I have taken out my padded jacket long ago ㅎㅎ JH: Still today was a little warm~ JH: Ah! I dyed my hairㅎㅎ JH: 😝 twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: These days it's cold, apply lots of lotion JH: Wear your padding too twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: I love TWICE the most ~ JH: That's why ONCE is the most precious JH: TWICE ONCE is all mine~ twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: I also miss ONCEs a lot I bet you don't know how I feel? JH: You know~??!!! JH: If you know then stop crying! twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: Don't worry, we have no plans to rest next year as well ~! You don't know us~~~~?? JH: Anyway I hope that (you all) know that what ONCEs thinks are just what we think! twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: And we're also talking to the company diligently because we wanted to meet ONCEs as soon as possible Of course it may be difficult but! we're trying our best so I hope you won't be too upset JH: Okay~~? twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: ㅎㅎ JH: Because all of us feel the same 🫶 twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: I just miss (you all) so muchㅜㅜI think all will understand with just one word right? twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: I miss youㅠㅠㅜ I wanted to say happy birthday. Though it's late, happy birthday to our ONCEs JH: Things I wanted to say it's not just one or two though.. twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221107 🦄💬 JH: ONCEs🫶🫶🫶
221106 🤍💬 DH: Fighting DH: 💪 twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221106 🤍💬 DH: it's Monday tomorrow.. DH: !! DH:ㅋㅋㅋㅋ DH: Going to work? DH: doing part time, I see DH: There are ONCE going to school too DH: I'm also going to work twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221106 🤍💬 DH: ㅋㅋㅋ DH: I.. DH: ate pork rib hangover soup DH: The soup is the best DH: refreshing DH: scooping one spoon of rice~ DH: warm~ DH: ㅋㅋㅋ DH: is the best twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221106 🤍💬 DH: How did you spend your weekend? DH: ㅎㅎ twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221106 🍓💬 CY: Hi everyone CY: The weather these days got cold a lot so wear warmly CY: I hope the day comes when we can see each other comes soon! CY: Everyone got to have healthy body and mind~!
221106 🍑💬 MM: A few noticedㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋthank you🫶ㅌㅋ twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221106 🍑💬 MM: Though it's not a well taken selcaㅋㅋㅋㅋ MM: Recently, I dyed my hair black before I went to Japan, but nobody noticed me😑 twitter.com/greendoggo29/s…
221106 🍑💬 MM: rightt my parents came to Korea to attend the fanmeeting too! MM: of course, next time we have to do something even more fun together with ONCEs!! twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221106 🍑💬 MM: I was sad with the fanmeeting too..😔 But we will see each other somehowㅜㅜ It's been a long time since we did a fanmeeting in Korea so I was really anticipating it...😔 twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…
221106 🍑💬 MM: you missed me right?ㅋㅋㅋ i knoooowww 😎 MM: my parents came to Korea!! thats why i ate really really delicious food! twitter.com/OT9TRANS/statu…