Hello everyone. I'm Iori Izumi of IDOLiSH7 and I'll be the main guest for i-HAKE! this month. This is going to be the first episode of the show so I hope you will enjoy it. I'll post some behind-the-scenes tweets here so please look forward to it. (Iori Izumi)
各位是否有享受 #派遣偶像 呢!一織還有每位偶像在SNS協助炒熱企劃,真心感謝! 下次是IDOLiSH7的二階堂大和了,敬請期待!(企劃) We hope you're enjoying #iHAKE. Thank you Iori and everyone for cheering up on SNS! Please look forward to the next with Yamato Nikaido of IDOLiSH7! (Staff) twitter.com/iD7_IDOLHAKEN/…
在此發表助手來賓!這次邀請IDOLiSH7的和泉一織、六彌凪來參加!敬請期待兩位的活躍表現!(企劃STAFF) We're announcing the supporting guests for Tenn's episode: Iori Izumi of IDOLiSH7 and Nagi Rokuya of IDOLiSH7! Please look forward to it! (Staff) #派遣偶像 #iHAKE twitter.com/iD7_IDOLHAKEN/…
Hello, it's Iori Izumi of IDOLiSH7. I'm going to post everyday about how the filming went, and my daily life etc. I'll do my best so you'll look forward to the show. Please enjoy. (Iori Izumi) <tr.>