we have certified barbara simp, certified jean simp, and certified diluc simp npcs now you may ask where is certified kaeya simp npc bc there's no way there isn't one little do u know certified kaeya simp is you the traveler
dusts off this old ass comic but i still like to hc that kya uses smiling as a defense mechanism to cope with anguish but also its canon that he likes watching ppl squirm so idk ! ! ! twitter.com/jagaimoimpact/…
i wonder if pre crepus death diluc ever became winblume star and chose the calla lily as his windblume and half of mond is like 🤔 and the other half is like 😊
mushrooms touching
im just waiting for the day mhy pulls the kya rug from underneath us what are they planning to do to him i kno theyre plotting something u dont just put a character in every single event making every1 used to his presence for nothing im on to u mhy