Sejeong shared on "Dolsing Fourmen" last night that she has 5 levels of friendships; where Level 1 is for the closest friends and she mentioned TWICE JIHYO & Cha Eunwoo as examples of those in Level 1. 😍🥰
TWICE wins the Best Girl Group award on MAMA 2021! Congratulations @JYPETWICE! 🏆🎉 #TWICE #트와이스 @JYPETWICE
NY: I'm losing a bit of confidence as I haven't gone for English lessons for a bit. I'll be going again after my promotions. I hope the day I can fully talk in English comes. But don't worry, I'm reading and understanding all the comments, just too shy to read them.
JY: "I hope TWICE can be role models to the new artists now."
🎥 TWICE x Musicians On Call Virtual Q&A
MINA (mina_sr_my) Instagram Update (1) in NY 🐧
TWICE successfully held their LDF FAMILY PREMIER with 500 Japanese fans yesterday! The 2-part musical movie ORIGINAL SERIES "LDF TIMES" was released as well. TWICE members who were invited to a luxury party in Guam enjoy duty-free shopping at Lotte Duty Free.
TWICE POST ‘IM NAYEON’ Behind the Scenes: Jacket Shooting (1)
TY: We have done many concerts and each experience is different and amazing. Sometimes I think about why you like me, maybe you think I'm CUTE~ JH: Tzuyu! Is this a mission?? TY: PRETTY or FUNNY? You always make me positive, I hope I can make you happy every moment!
Chaeyoung and Nayeon's English Teacher gifted NY these flowers respectively 💘
ONCE HALLOWEEN 3 is officially cancelled. It will not be postponed to another date.
TWICE's 4th Japan Album coming out on July 27 is "CELEBRATE"! #TWICE @JYPETWICE
JY: My ears hurt because Jihyo’s voice is so loud during Shotclock.
Q: Love you TTTT When is your solo music coming out??? CY: Blessings come to those who wait (I'll be working hard on it) 🤍
JH: Chaeyoung's hair is so cute!
🎥 Chaeyoung ICON RAP…
NY: How long ago was it..? 6 years ago..? I can't really remember what we did. MH: The fart... NY: I remember that.
[TRANS] Sana's Letter to Dahyun on TTT today! "...and knowing your personality, that this sadness will last a pretty long time. Thinking about that, my heart hurts a little too but don’t be too sad!..." Translation: twice_seung
📸 SBS INKIGAYO Hard Drive Clearance - TWICE TZUYU (1)…
🎥 TWICE MINA x Metrocity Korea METROCITY Holiday | Christmas with MINA
NY: I really enjoyed speaking informally with Yuna, and talking to everyone so closely was so fun. Whennnneverrrr you want, when you're hungry, when you have something, text me and I will run over. You can come over too. Please contact me, please...
TWICE DAHYUN will be the Special MC for this week's "Music Core" along with singer Kim Jaehwan. 17 Sept (Sat) broadcast
[TRANS THREAD] JEONGYEON's Messages to JIHYO on her IG STORY (1) "JIHYO Happy Birthday We’re now racing towards our late 20s now We were young And there were times like this too"
KEP1ER dancing to TWICE's The Feels on Homecoming Day (홈커밍데이) #TWICE #트와이스 #TheFeels #KEP1ER #케플러