
[yonhap news]230226 Today, this channel is repeating news about BTS over past six month. In award news, Jin's highlight of dynamite is repeated. For first time in Asia, BTS has been nominated for 3 consecutive years. 3 years ago, BTS was nominated for Dynamite. #Jin #방탄소년단진
[Hobi weverse] 230226 I've been thinking about it since last year. Since Jin joined military. When should I go in? Considering this, it would be better to go as soon as possible and show you better performance. That's what I thought and decided. #Jin #방탄소년단진
The Naver profile picture of Coldplay has been changed to version with Wootteo. #Wootteo #TheAstronaut #Jin #JinXColdplay…
[weverse[ 20230128 I sometimes go camping. It smells like grass when camping. A scent that can only be smelled in the countryside and nature. I hope it smells like nature. #TheAstronaut #Jin #방탄소년단진 He had a hobby of camping?! wow!
[Netorabo] Which BTS member do you want to be your boss?(20230212~20230219) Jin is in #1 again following 2021.🎉 Congratulations Jin. He also has excellent leadership in military service 2023… 2021… #TheAstronaut #JIN #방탄소년단진…
[scoopenglish] 230206 It's okay without Grammy! Coldplay, who is sincere BTS. This channel inform English expressions of superstars. They created special friendship between Coldplay and Jin by word "uplifting."… #TheAstronuat #Jin #JinXColdplay
[Viewers] 230127 BTS Jin ranked #11 in America' Most Influential influencer Top 1000 by HypeAuditor, He ranked #1 in Asian men for 107 consecutive days since Oct 3rd last year. Jin, only BTS member to be ranked in TOP 50, was on par with famous artist Bieber and Billie Eilish.
Our Jin doesn't like the cold. If he likes only one cold thing, it would be coldplay. They are spring and summer for jin. I can tell by their eyes. #Jin #TheAstronaut #JinXColdplay
BTS Jin leaves Incheon International Airport 🤵He got out of car 🤵Seokjin-ssi, please wave your hand! 🤵Jin-ssi, please take off your mask Please 🐹Shaking head 🤵Heh heh heh 🤵Jin, hand heart! 🤵Have safe trip! #TheAstronaut #Yours_Jin #방탄소년단진…
20221030 trending in Korea 🇰🇷pm11:20 😎 1. #Jin #TheAstronaut We're still in first place. It's amazing!
[weverse] 230218 2023 j hope day hobi with Big wootteo. #TheAstronaut #Jin #방탄소년단진
[delpicdesign] BTS Jin solo album Astronaut Character Design. #WootteoWasHere Voyager Meets Messenger Wootteo is character created as part of Jin's promotion for his first solo single album. Wootteo's head resemble universe #Jin #TheAstronaut #방탄소년단진…
[SBS] 230210 LeeSooman strongly opposed it. Eventually, he decided to hand over stake to Hybe. SM, which has traditional Kpop artist such as Girls Generation. Hybe is leading Kpop global fandom with BTS and Newjeans. #Jin of Dynamite came out as representative face of BTS.😎
You only wrote 4 members. RM Billboard200 #193. Jimin Hot100 #76. JHope JITB #7. JK Dreamers DigitalSongSales ranked 11th. How does it become record of all members entering hot100? #Jin #TheAstronaut Hot100 #51 is missing here. Fix it @BIGHIT_MUSIC…
[SBS MMTG] 230210 🗣️When Dynamite won #1, you did live broadcast. Members got excited and shouted, "Today(oneul) choreography(anmu) Cancel(chwiso)(o-an-chwi)!" 🐹Best word in world. Cancel today choreography. 🐥Today choreography is canceled. 🐨Yes, day like today! #Jin
Op: I came to yet to come x cinema. Seokjin came out for Jin Ramen. #TheAstronaut #JIN #방탄소년단진 @BTS_twt…
[Paik jongwon] 230221 Yesan market Thanks to your help, local people were surprised. They are very happy. Your interest has given them hope. 1: Fun. We saying feels like festival. 2: They're supporting us a lot. It gives me a lot of energy. 3: Every day happy day. #Jin
@dokgodieinsaeng 석진이가 "영지씨 우리 내일도 촬영해요" 라고 말했어요! 무르기 없다고 말해주세요!!! 영지님 기억에 없으니까 다시 찍자구🥹 DRINK WITH SUPERSTAR JIN #JinXYoungji #TheAstronaut #Jin
[Indonesia Metro TV] 221211 BTS #Jin Army Environmental Care Act. After green activity in Kalimantan last year, BTS Army Bintang Ungu and BPDAS Solo again planted hundreds trees in Boyolali. Planting of trees has focused on land rehabilitation and improvement of economy.
Message from Jin Feb2023 🐹I like 'ARMY I love you' is the best. But if I write Army(아미) I love you(사랑해), There have two syllables left. What would be good?… #Jin #방탄소년단진 #TheAstronaut
🐹Few days ago, I jogged! I am limping! He always gave us hints. #TheAstronaut #Jin #방탄소년단진 #SuperTuna_Jin #Yours_Jin
[Chosun]230221 Hybe analyzed that increase in album sale drove rise in 4th quarter earning. Album sales in 4th quarter reached 149.1 billion won, up 74% year-on-year. CFO said BTS Jin and RM's solo album and LeSeraphim performed particularly well. #Jin #TheAstronaut #방탄소년단진
[Halmyungsoo] 230127 ep.115 meenoi 🤵‍♂️What am I doing today? 👱‍♀️I introduced you new friend last time. 🤵‍♂️[My friend Jin?] BTS Jin? Oh... I want to see Jin. [To Myungsoo friend, Jin] How are you, Jin? You must be having hard time in this frigid winter weather. #TheAstronaut #Jin
At first, when martin did buzz cut, I thought it was just his cool hairstyle. Even when he came with wootteo badge, I thought I would be happy to just listen to My Universe. But Chris always shows more than I can imagine. #TheAstronaut #Jin #JinXColdplay
[oh1mo_art] 221106 half and half jin drawing. OP: I saw cute Seokjin in Running Man. Cute and handsome. Concept is Little Prince concept. It's a gold eyeliner. Rose Wootteo following little prince because he loved him!… #Jin #방탄소년단진