ENHYPEN on Spotify(@EN_onSpotify)さんの人気ツイート(リツイート順)

.@ENHYPEN are still ON TRACK to: 🥇Be the FASTEST K-POP GROUP to surpass 1B Streams on Spotify!! 🧛‍♀️ have the FASTEST K-Pop BG Debut Song to reach 100M, with Given-Taken! Let’s achieve these by the end of June & July, respectively!! ‼️JOIN OUR UPCOMING STREAMING PARTIES PLS
#POLAROID_LOVE has surpassed 150M streams on Spotify!🥳 (11/29) 👑This is @ENHYPEN’s 3rd song to reach this mark!! Day 322: 235,738 Day 323: 237,998 Day 324: 234,388 TOTAL: 150,137,940 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN 🖇️Focused Playlist here⬇️ open.spotify.com/playlist/3MJ55…
#POLAROID_LOVE has surpassed 105M streams on Spotify!!🔥👏 (7/1) Day 171: 318,921 Day 172: 316,141 Day 173: 332,332⬆️👏 TOTAL: 105,396,519 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 open.spotify.com/playlist/4GiQc…
Spotify South Korea 🇰🇷 Top 200 (9/23) 🟢#Polaroid_Love climbs up 10 spots and lands at #103! ⬆️👏 Days on Chart: 257 🔥 Peak: #13 👑It is the Longest Charting 2022 song by a 4th-Gen boy group! @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN promocards.byspotify.com/share/1abf0c42…
Fastest K-Pop Groups to reach 1 Billion Streams on Spotify: 1. Twice - 579 days 2. TXT - 914 days 3. Blackpink - 945 days ENHYPEN are currently on Day 556 with 970M streams!🚀 open.spotify.com/playlist/5kYUw…
#MANIFESTO_DAY1 has surpassed 150M streams on Spotify!!🥳👏🔥 2/21: 530,677 2/22: 533,677 2/23: 516,828 2/24: 520,376 2/25: 508,488 TOTAL: 150,163,357 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN 🧡NEXT STOP ➡️ 200M ➡️🧛‍♀️🔥
We have over 75 Playlists on our Spotify page for you guys to use! 🎧NEWEST ONE BELOW! Please use them daily if you can! We’re almost there!! 😁🔥👏 #Stream_ENHYPEN_To_1B @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/7D1Ci…
ENGENES - if we KEEP UP THIS PACE - we will MAKE IT TO 1B Streams literally THE DAY OF or 1 day before SUNOO’s BIRTHDAY!!☀️☀️☀️ LET’S GIVE HIM THIS GIFT PLS!💕 KEEP STREAMING - let’s keep AT or ABOVE 2M per day!! Streaming Party for Sunoo upcoming!! open.spotify.com/playlist/43UhP…
#BORDER_CARNIVAL has surpassed 450M streams on Spotify!!🥳👏 It is @ENHYPEN’s 2nd Most Streamed Album on the platform! (following D:A, at 459M) Day 583: 507,568 Day 584: 554,092 Day 585: 587,106 Day 586: 564,562 TOTAL: 450,040,231 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN
ENGENES - please make sure to watch @ENHYPEN’s phenomenal performance, which was posted on KBS’ YouTube channel! 🧡SHARE, Like, & Leave positive comments!!!⬇️ youtu.be/xFPyq_1VM0s ENHYPEN LIGHTS UP KBS GAYO @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN #ENHYPEN_GayoDaechukje2022
Hello @Twitter, @TwitterSupport I’ve been following @AsiaEnhypen for a long time, & saw that their account got suspended all of a sudden. The account owner has never violated any Twitter rules. Please look into this ASAP & restore their account! Thank you. Case #: 0306538038
‼️PLEASE KEEP USING FOCUSED & CURATED PLAYLISTS DAILY! 🎧We have over 70 Playlists you can choose from on our Spotify account!! 📝You can also find info on how to make your own, on our pinned! @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/5kYUw…
🚨🗣PLS USE THE ABOVE OVERNIGHT PLAYLIST - it’s over 7 HRS LONG - use it while 💤, working, doing chores - u can just PLUG HEADPHONES IN & do your thing!! There’s so many different Focused Playlists on our Account u can take advantage of! Pls use them! open.spotify.com/user/nmfruj8v8…
#ALWAYS has surpassed 9M streams on Spotify!! 🎊 (6/15) Day 41: 46,338 Day 42: 47,206 Day 43: 47,209 Day 44: 47,750 Day 45: 48,560⬆️ TOTAL: 9,011,453 @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN ‼️➡️ 10M NEXT!! 😁🎧⬇️ open.spotify.com/playlist/6ZiZx…
.@ENHYPEN Spotify Stats (12/4) ⏺Total streams: 1,395,777,047 🟢Daily streams: 2,351,767⬆️ (+42K) 🟢Monthly Listeners: 5,984,625⬆️ (+24K) 🗳️Followers: 4,685,951 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN ‼️NEWEST OVERNIGHT PLAYLIST BELOW!🎧⬇️🎧 open.spotify.com/playlist/58jd9…
#Make_The_Change has been added to Spotify’s Playlist K-POP FRESH (w/ 244K followers) at #4! ‼️STREAM IT FROM THERE (+One In A Billion at #30) & exit the Playlist after! Make the changeではじめの一歩 #ENHYPENと世界を変えよう #EN_ビルボ応援 #EN_SADAME open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
‼️We have exactly 60 days to make @ENHYPEN be the FASTEST K-POP GROUP to get to 1B streams on Spotify!! This is an average of 1.85M daily streams, but PLS - STAY ABOVE 2M streams - let’s get there ASAP!👊🔥 PLS STREAM DAILY! Use Overnight playlists too! open.spotify.com/playlist/2muB7…
.@ENHYPEN songs released as stand-alone Singles - 1st Day streams: 1️⃣ Always - 218,326 2️⃣ I Need The Light - 139,340 3️⃣ #OneInABillion - 119,761 🟢🆕 4️⃣ A Kind Of Magic - 84,885 5️⃣ Hey TAYO - 79,912 6️⃣ Billy Poco - 39,876 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/5pgdk…
#ShoutOut has surpassed 1M streams on Spotify!🎤🥳 Day 1: 472,652 Day 2: 426,425 Day 3: 343,171🔻 TOTAL: 1,242,248 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members ‼️ENGENES, have you added all the #MANIFESTO_DAY1 songs to your playlists?? Make sure you do!🙏 🎧🔗open.spotify.com/playlist/2vdim…
#TAMED_DASHED has surpassed 55M streams on Spotify!!👏 (6/15) It is @ENHYPEN’s 5th most streamed song on the platform!!🔥 Day 245: 118,977 Day 246: 119,471 Day 247: 122,666⬆️ TOTAL: 55,069,650 ‼️ON THE ROAD TO 60M !!! @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/544KB…
And that’s a wrap on our Streaming Party for Sunoo’s BDAY!🎂 Thank you to all the ENGENES that joined and to @Team_Sunoo for co-hosting! As always, the Playlist will stay available on our Spotify account! 🗣We’re almost at 1B, let’s get there ASAP!🔥❤️ open.spotify.com/playlist/3nnz8…
Day 7 possible Spotify Voting numbers (11/16) POST-VOTING STREAMS INCREASE: Day 1: 21K … Day 5: 24K Day 6: 24K Day 7: 26K⬆️ @ENHYPEN are 6th in streams increase!🔻 *️⃣Using NOV 9th (day before voting) as a comparison baseline for all artists’ Daily Increases!
🟢🗳SPOTIFY’s TURN!!! #MAMANIFESTO Mass Voting Stop 📍Europe, Africa, Australia Whoever is ONLINE - PLS JOIN IN VOTING FOR @ENHYPEN ON SPOTIFY!! ➡️TO VOTE - Simply Play *ONLY* #FuturePerfect for a minimum of 30 seconds from the Playlist below!✅ open.spotify.com/playlist/37i9d…
‼️ENGENES, Please Read. And know - WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS.
.@ENHYPEN TOP 10 Most Streamed Songs on Spotify for Sat, June 25th: 1. #Polaroid_Love - 313,448 2. #FEVER - 215,025 3. #Drunk_Dazed - 170,602 4. #Blessed_Cursed - 113,733 5. #Given_Taken - 107,006 @ENHYPEN_members #ENHYPEN open.spotify.com/playlist/4GiQc…